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Everything posted by goldbird

  1. i have pure bread male , Great looking fish i wish i have some.
  2. Does Any One Has Melanochromis Johani Female Or Group In AKL ? iIAm Looking For Quit A Some time?
  3. I bought some of my fish through forum, and sold recently through this web , people here freely communicate and if they wish to view before they want to by then they have freedom through forum , when trademe is blind bidding and i am conscious some time. So I prefer forum
  4. Hi guys thanks for advice , yellow still in main tank i am planing to get smaller tank in case if i need to separate.
  5. I found one of my yellow female holding eggs Today, it's first time for me and i don't know what to do ? should i leave her as it is or any one can tell what to do?
  6. Thanks every one as hollywood fishfarm sayed , it was white sponge, which was blocking water flow. i have taken it out and it working fine again. Thanks
  7. About the dead fish ,There was no bite mark on the fish . they all ware about 4 to 5 cm i told people in the shop and they took it out streight away , And after reading all of your post i am glade that i didn't bought.. Thanks Guys
  8. hi guys i went to local fish shop to buy frontossa but when i found dead frontossa in their tank and it made me think that should i buy from or not? so far i found 2 dead fish in two weeks since i visited .was it my luck that i have to see it or just co-incident? don't know
  9. Thanks Tropheus, I didn't know that , i thought if i don't do it it will efect water quality . well good for me now i don't have to spend lot of time cleaning. thanks
  10. Hi any One got tropheus or frontossa for sale? 3cm or big please pm me. Thanks
  11. Hi All my yellow is very well now and i have added in main tank and doing well. Thanks
  12. Giraffs are 5 to 6cm damasonis are about 3 cm and cobalt blue and bummblebee about 7 cm.
  13. What do you think ryan should i getrid of some giraffe?
  14. I have 10 damasoni , 5 yellow, 5 cobalt, 5 giraffe, 4 bumble bee ,and lots of rock and i feed flake twice a day , i do 30% water change every week ,and before water change i clean all rock which takes 20 minutes just for rocks, and vacuum marble chips, it's been 2 and half month since i setup tank , i still haven't clean or changed any media in filter, What do you guys advice ? am i doing correct ? (i wish i could put picture of tank for you guys to look but i don't know how to put picture on this forum) Thanks
  15. Hi guys thank you all , i have done 50% water change in may main tank , 1520x600x600 ph is 7.8, gh120 kh120 temperature 26, ammonia 0 , nitrate 20 all fish are fine in main tank , my sick fish seems fine now , i had separated it 4 days ago , i had put some Epsom salt in tank and some sort of capsules i bought from Hollywood fish farm for sick yellow , as soon as u put capsule's contains in water it turns colored green , i use 3 capsules every 24 hours after 2 dose i done 30% water change on 3rd day and today i put 2 more capsules , fish seems fine now but i don't wanna take any chance, she is taking food and eyes are fine as well I don't know what was wrong but thank god it seems cured. Thanks
  16. Thanks mark i have added salt and medicine as mention in artical ,
  17. Hi guys I have separated sick fish in separate tank, booth eyes are swollen and not eating any thin , other fish seems fine at the moment, tank mats are , cobalt blue, giraffe, and bumble bee, Thanks guys
  18. Hi guys One of my electric yellow male has Swollen eyes and also it just staying in one corner of the tank at bottom not moving and not eating , I am new in this hobby , please let me know what to do . Thanks
  19. Sorry Ryan It was your tank . it is trualy colourfull . Thanks
  20. That was one colourfull tank ANT, Gerat Tank, lots of colour i am not planing to bread them , but as Ant's tank i like colourfull Tank, And Will look for small fish as ant Advised.
  21. Thanks ANT I will be interested in if it doesn't kill other fish .
  22. Thanks all of you for reply , I my electric yellow and giraff's are about 3 cm , i really like fish e.g. Damasoni , Malanochromis johani bumble Bee or what ever colour full Fish , which can live peacefully in my tank , i am not sure about this fish's nature as i am new , Advice always welcome,
  23. Hi i have just setup new tank about a week ago and added some cobalt blue(5 to 6cm), giraff, and electric yello . i want to add more varity as tank is 5 foot, can some one tell me what fish can go well with what i have and who can sell me adult size fish? Thanks.
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