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My carelessness......Very Lucky Fish!!!!


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Almost too embarrassed to post this..........

Late Last night I realised the "Clogging" indicator on my interal Fluval filter was showing that the filter was clogged up.......Knowing that today would be "fish-tank Maintenance day" (water changes etc) I decided that rather than risk straining the motor on the filter, I would simply dis-connect it from the power and clean it at a more respectable hour........

Morning came around, and I started my water changes etc.....when it came time to do the tank with the Fluval filter in it, I put my hand in the water...and got a shock to notice that the water was "STONE COLD" :o

Panic set in as to what the problem was..........Thermometer was reading really low........and the filter was unplugged...meaning the heater was still plugged in...or so I thought!!!!

On closer inspection I found that I had indeed unplugged the HEATER and not the FILTER (was I asleep at the time????........I think Ii must have been)

After all maintenance,and BOTH heater and filter plugged in, I'm able to report that:

1: The fish are fine (even if they have been through a blizzard)

2: I feel really stupid about it all

3: I'm extremely lucky that I didnt lose any of my finned friends......and



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I'm sure we have all left a heater unplugged at some stage. Keep an eye out over the next few days as you might get an outbreak of white spot. Then again, if the room temp wasn't too bad the fish would handle it as the temp would have slowly dropped and it is sudden temp changes that upset them most.

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My tetras have that happen to them all the time. Never had a problem, though the temp usually only drops to around 18ish. Even had the heater in my fry tank die and the fry seemed to handle it without a problem, they were down to 15.

Anyway, don't worry too much.:)

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