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Siamese fighter is not well


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I cleaned out the tanks the day before Xmas and he's now sick - clamped fins sitting at the bottom of the tank. I've done 2 water changes and added tonic and tonic salt but he's still not well - he is still eating though.

I did add new plants to his tank (as well as the community tank) when I made the water change and removed dead plants and drift wood at the same time - are there any plants that can be toxic to bettas I don't know about as the same plants in the community tank are fine.

I'm thinking about giving him to a new home as this is twice he's been sick and I haven't had him long - maybe he's just not happy with me :(

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An undergravel filter is a biological filter just like any other filter and if you very carefully vacuum all the gunge out of the gravel you will you will also remove all the good bacteria from your filter and can end up with raised ammonia and nitrite which means you have to cycle the tank again. I could be wrong but I would suspect your fish is suffering from the results of that. Sometimes clean/clean is not the best. The only plant I have heard of that can be toxic is Mouses ear (Saururus cernuus). It is usually grown emersed and is best soaked in a bucket for a couple of days to get rid of the sap unless they have already done that in the pet shop.

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I didn't lift out the filter when cleaning the gravel but if it's a cycling problem because I've made it too clean, then syphoning water from another tank and adding it to his tank should do the trick :)

At any rate, he does seem to have perked up a bit today and is swimming around a bit - maybe it was some fungal or bacteria problem and the tonic dealt to it? I'll keep an eye on him and if he relapses will try syphoning water from another tank.

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But I didn't do anything else since I posted - not even another water change.

What's more, I've had other fish in that tank and have cleaned it more thoroughly than that - to the point of removing filter and doing a severe gravel clean and none of them became sick. He's also developed ich when other fish in the tank haven't - so as I said: I don't understand this wee fish.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Jaide, I'm sorry you've been having trouble with you wee fighter man (I just read your other post about him now having cotton-wool mouth disease). :cry:

What's more, I've had other fish in that tank and have cleaned it more thoroughly than that - to the point of removing filter and doing a severe gravel clean and none of them became sick. He's also developed ich when other fish in the tank haven't - so as I said: I don't understand this wee fish.

If you 'thoroughly' clean out a tank/filter you destroy most of the good bacteria required for biological filtration, as you know, so when you cleaned out your tank this is what happened. Your fish would have reacted differently depending on the health of each of them at the time. If your fighter was already a bit poorly he would have become more susceptible to increased ammonia etc. in your newly cleaned tank (fish can be stressed without appearing to be stressed - is is why 'suddenly' fish seem to get sick – their immune system is a bit weak, and so they get sick).

But I didn't do anything else since I posted - not even another water change.

A water change would have helped because if the biological filtration system in your tank is now not working, there will be an increase of nasty chemicals in your tank which will weaken and/or poison your fish.

In terms of what you can do now that he is sick, you should firstly test your water to see what is going on. If you have too much ammonia or nitrite then you should do up a 50% water change straight away and then test your water daily, doing 10% water changes if necessary each day. Also important is to add friendly bacteria – 'Stresszyme' is one brand – these will help to kick start your filtration again. And remember not to totally clean your tank out again. :) For his cotton-wool, I have had success treating fungus diseases just with 'Tonic' (mainly methylene blue) – read the instructions and go from there. Move him to a nicely-cycled hospital tank if you have one available.

I hope some of this info helps. Keep us posted on how he does. :)

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