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Breeding tropicals outside


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I gave away the fish I bred last time.

Not sure what is happening with them this year as we have had such weird weather! 33C one day then 16C then next, dropping to 8C at night. Not out usual February weather pattern. I thought all the adult fish had died actually as I could not see them but this morning actually spotted 5 golden barbs still swimming about. No idea about the odessas as they are very hard to see.

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Whetu you'd still be ok for another month. And try putting your bin somewhere else. excess fish can be sold or brought inside.

Thanks Luke. By "somewhere else" are you suggesting somewhere with less direct sun? I'm interested to know why I might be getting this nasty slime. :(

My main purpose in breeding the cherry barbs is to increase the size of my own school. If I sell any extras that will just be a bonus.

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I am getting a slime on top of my oxygen weed where the water current can't get it :(

So you have a pond pump and/or filter running? I naively assumed that you had simply filled up the pool with water, added plants and fish and left them to it! I think my problem is a lack of circulation and surface agitation. I don't have any suitable outdoor equipment - and it would be cheaper just to buy more fish than to buy the equipment!

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I do have a large pump running a filter and waterfall. Water movement helps keep downthe algae as it can't stagnate. They are not a requirement though, depends on the size of the pond, location (ie how much sun etc) and number of plants

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Ok, I scrubbed out the bin (again) put fresh plants in there out of my tank (again) and filled up with water out of my tank (I was due for a water change anyway). Then I set about catching my cherry barbs to put them in the bin. Crikey those things can swim fast when there's a net after them! :o

I ended up catching only one female and put her in the outside bin. I thought I would leave the others to settle down a bit and try catching them today after work. Since then there has been no more sunshine, and today it's raining. The poor wee girl will be cold and lonely! I feel so mean! :(

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, I emptied the pools today. The weather this year has been so weird. Usually those pools would have sat at 27C+ during the day, dropping to no less than 18C overnight, usually 22C or so. This year they have gone as low as 10C, possibly lower, overnight with day temps only around 17C - 22C :-?

The day time temps have swung wildly and I think the hottest the pools got was about 27C, for a very short period of time. Usually they were around 18 - 22C

I had seen plenty of spawning activity but no sign of fry at all. Not sure whether the fry died in the cold or whether it was too cold to produce eggs in the first place. I suspect the former.

Having emptied both pools I recovered 8 odessa barbs and 9 golden barbs. I can't find the bit of paper on which I wrote the number originally added but I think that was it so, although I got no fry out of the effort this year, I didn't lose any of the adults either, much to my surprise.

Might give it a go again next year. I have had great success in previous years, just not this year :roll:

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Oh Caryl, I hate to rain on your parade but I'm really glad to hear that! :lol: :lol:

I also emptied my big bin from outside today and retrieved my original adult cherry barbs, but not a single baby. I was so disappointed. :( So actually it's a relief to hear that I'm not the only one.

The weather has certainly been strange this year. I had hoped the extra rainfall would have at least meant nice, fresh, aerated water for my barbs, but I also suspected that the cooler temperatures may have suppressed the breeding success.

Oh well, let's hope we both have better luck next year! :bounce:

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Good to hear someone at least has had success :roll:

The goldfish have bred well. I counted 27 fry the other day as they are now all big enough to safely swim and feed with the adults. I am sure there are plenty more but the majority are still bronze and very hard to see. At least 3 I saw are changing to gold and I hope the rest do too. I only had one bronze fish in the pond and I would hate to think he was the only male who managed to fertilise all the eggs! :lol:

I am not sure what age the average goldfish fry is when it changes colour but I understand later is better as they are more likely to hold the colour change.

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my outside tanks were NOT a success , i lost 1 cory , 3 guppies and 3 gold WCMM . I still have leopard fish outside which seem to be doing fine. I think the "tanks" were to small so the temps changed and dropped much faster than a pool would.

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my outside tanks were NOT a success , i lost 1 cory , 3 guppies and 3 gold WCMM . I still have leopard fish outside which seem to be doing fine. I think the "tanks" were to small so the temps changed and dropped much faster than a pool would.

Oh that's a shame Billaney. I was very relieved to find I hadn't lost my adults at least, so at least I'm no worse off than when I started.

Being the eternal optimist, I have put all the plants and water back in my outdoor container, so if there are any secret little invisible fry hiding in there they will have another chance! :lol:

Now all we need is an Indian summer and I will collect my abundant, fat fry out of the barrel next month! :bounce:

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