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fert balls, iron, potassium, carbon...what do i need


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i am ondering, the lfs obviously push products to me

but i put JBL fert balls in the gravel

it says it releases iron slowly

the lfs says it doesnt

so i buy liquid iron, potassium and exel carbon

do i need the liquids?

or can i just use the fert balls and give good light and thats it?

so many liquids and stuff

the tank isnt HEAVILY planted

i would say its medium to a little less than medium.

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fert balls, iron, potassium, carbon...what do i need

IMO fert balls are good - you put them in once (when you plant a root-feeding plant) then forget them. Nice & easy.

For ferts in the water column you can use one of the commercial brews, but with slow-release fert balls and only a few plants, you may be able to get away with a fraction of the recommended dose. A little & often is far better than a great big dose once every few weeks.

A well balanced liquid fert (or well balanced PMDD) will supply all the micronutrients you will need, especially given you are likely to have fairly easy-care plants.

As for the carbon, wait until everything is properly established and well balanced before you start worrying about it. There is quite an art to proper CO2 dosing, so in my opinion it will just be an extra expense that you'll be better spending on your substrate, lighting etc. for now.

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I see, so the JBL fert balls re generally ok.

plants below:





tiger lots



anubias (a green one and a white speckled white)


I dont have any red plants except one sort with red leaves, red-ish leaves.

the stargrass has heaps of roots in the gravel! it has roots everywhere lol, it seems that the root on the stargrass, abulia, wysteria grows roots everywhere lol

they all ave plenty of roots in the gravel though.

i hate putting the ferts in the water, and its a waste of money! if i can avoid it.

they are all starting to thrive now, the crypts grows average 2 new leave sprouts a day.

one amazon is kinda struggling the other one is thrving.

star grass is thriving.

cyprus is slow, so are the anubias, grow slowly

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I see, so the JBL fert balls re generally ok.

plants below:





tiger lots



anubias (a green one and a white speckled white)


I dont have any red plants except one sort with red leaves, red-ish leaves.

the stargrass has heaps of roots in the gravel! it has roots everywhere lol, it seems that the root on the stargrass, abulia, wysteria grows roots everywhere lol

they all ave plenty of roots in the gravel though.

i hate putting the ferts in the water, and its a waste of money! if i can avoid it.

they are all starting to thrive now, the crypts grows average 2 new leave sprouts a day.

one amazon is kinda struggling the other one is thrving.

star grass is thriving.

cyprus is slow, so are the anubias, grow slowly

Stargrass is going to grow like a weed soon. Youw ill hate it soon.

Anubias is a slow growing plant

Liquid fert in the water isnt a waste of money :-?

Pay for postage and ill send you some PMDD(200g), or ill throw some in with the bichirs :lol:

Should last you for ages.

I see henward wanting metal halides and CO2 soon hahaha

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hey hans

i do hav emetal halides:D

in my mates garage, no time to set it up or no room YET. next march april im moving houses and will set up my 1200 litre to be aplanted metal halide'd planted tank with and RTG aro, about 15 clown loaches, Clown knife and a royal pleco, maye delhezi too.

but for now, i only have 3 t8 tubes on my 6 footer.

what is a pmdd??

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My mix will contain:

53% Magnesium Sulfate

23% Potassium Sulfate

14% Trace element mix

10% Potassium nitrate

I can do custom ratios and leave out any of the above chemicals

For every 100g of PMDD you will need to add 500ml of water.

I suggest you only mix up only enough for 2-4 weeks supply. Keep the PPMD out of the light in a dry place.

For each ten gallons, try around 1/12 ml of PMDD a day (roughly 2 drops). A 29 gallon tank would then get 1/4 ml a day (roughly 6 drops). If you don't do many partial water changes, dose less. If you have a "high tech", densely planted, CO2 injected, VHO lit tank, you might want to double the dose to 1/6 ml of PMDD per 10 gallons a day (roughly 4 drops).

Just make sure you keep an eye on the Nitrate levels when using PMDD. Personally i try and keep it around 5ppm Nitrate. If over dosing this can lead to algae growth and other implications

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