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How long to they grow up


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Okay - I've searched alot of web pages but none of them seem to say how long it takes for a fish to be fully grown. So can anyone tell me if these guys are now at their adult size and will stop growing?

Bristlenose - biggest is 17 months old

Ottos - 12 months old

Angels - 14 months old

Blue Rams - 5 months old (these guys seem to grow slow)

Black phantoms 5 months old

Lemon Tetras 16 months old

Give or take two or three months as they were all store bought. any help gratefully accepted.

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Depends on feeding, temperature, water quality. But, assuming all of those are good...

Bristlenose - biggest is 17 months old NO

Ottos - 12 months old NO

Angels - 14 months old NO

Blue Rams - 5 months old (these guys seem to grow slow) NO

Black phantoms 5 months old NO

Lemon Tetras 16 months old MAYBE

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I think that you'll find a lot of fish will continue to grow until they die. This isn't perhaps true of tetras and smaller fish but I would say at two years old many fish in the cichlid or suckermouth world would be 60-80% of their full size, remembering some can live ten years. This isn't even taking into consideration things like tank size, food, tankmates, tankspace per fish, water quality, etc.

I guess your ottos and Angels from your list have the most amount of growing yet to go.

I have a male Bristlenose that is 12cm, over 4 yrs old.

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the angels will be pleased, I'm assuming I have two males (only have 2) given that they have now staked out half the tank each and when they get grumpy turn on their sides and rush each other. Then they sulk in the corner for a while before having another go.

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