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Wanganui, Clown Loaches Pls


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Hi, we were given one clown loach during the weekend and would dearly love to have a group. Is there anyone around our way who has some they want to part with :P or alternatively anyone who is interested in getting some or more so we can do a bulk deal at the Pet Shop. Can get them for around $16-24 depending on size and for an order of 5 or more. ta

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Sounds like the normal price to me. They are not difficult to buy most of time and are readily available at many lfs.

Also, read the guidelines please;

No posts are to be made with the intention of forming a bulk purchase or import by invite to meet a minimum order quantity

Clown loaches are happier in groups and grow large (though slowly) so you need a good sized tank to house them. They are also susceptible to white spot so need excellent water conditions at all times.

Good luck with your search.

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Be careful buying clowns off the list.. Recently they have been very small and skinny and not doing well in peoples tanks try and find bigger fatter ones and pay more for them..

Hi, yeah thats what we were planning to do. Do you know someone who has purchased recently. We went to both shops in town yesterday and as Simon says they have 2 in stock one much smaller and lighter coloured than the other, both are $30. How many is a good sized community. We have a few tanks, planning on having them in the 3footer.

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Also, read the guidelines please;

No posts are to be made with the intention of forming a bulk purchase or import by invite to meet a minimum order quantity

Clown loaches are happier in groups and grow large (though slowly) so you need a good sized tank to house them. They are also susceptible to white spot so need excellent water conditions at all times.

Good luck with your search.

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How many is a good sized community. We have a few tanks, planning on having them in the 3footer.

5 would be the bare minimum IMO, more is better. I have 8 large (15-18cm) in my big tank and 14 smaller ones growing out in a 4', it was awesome when they were all in together, seeing 4cm clowns schooling with the two big 18cm ones! The 3' tank will do for a while, but you'll want to move them in to something bigger in about 12 months to avoid stunting their growth. A 4' will do for a few years after that.

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You know I would love that, I guess cos they hide alot at the fish shops you don't get to see them in "full swing", just having one for a few days makes me know that these guys are on my wish list. Every morning he's waiting for his breakfast but he needs buddies. When we enquired at the Pet shop we were told that smaller ones are not as hardy and that we should get bigger ones to help with survival rate. And Ryan says its not so good buying them off the list, which I know is probably true, by looking at the variance that in other fish that come through. And waiting and picking up one every couple of weeks when the fish orders come into the shop and checking out the quality will be a slow process.

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I think you'd be better to buy them all in one lot, unless the shop doesn't have them or they are unhealthy. Otherwise its 5 times the risk of introducing something like whitespot to your tank. Keep the tank at at least 27*C, good current and highly oxygenated water, feed a variety of foods like shrimp, courgette, shrimp pellets, bloodworms etc and they little ones should soon put on some size.

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Yes that would be awesome but not sure that we have that privilege in Wanganui, only 2 here at the mo. I like the 2 for one deal people have been talking about this week, would be grateful to know when its on in Palmy so we could come over and take advantage. :hail:

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