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Female tortoise behaviour??


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Hi, about a month ago I introduced two new female hermann tortoises to my little group. The older of the two (12yrs) seems to be settling in really well. However the younger (9yrs) has started to harass my existing female. She bites her legs and seems to try and mate with her. I read somewhere online that this behaviour could mean she is gravid??? Could there be any other reasons for this behaviour? Maybe she could be being territorial??? Any help greatly appreiciated.

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Thanks for the quick reply livingart! I have made some compost type mounds around the enclosure just in case. She was doing it again this morning when I went out to feed them and even making the high pitched squeak that the male usually makes. Very odd! I guess I just need to wait and see?

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sure shes not a male in disguise 8)

not just compost heaps, a dirt patch, a sand bed, some variety

she will choose where she wants to lay

usually north facing, in the sun and well drained

no hard and fast rules though

laying behaviour is usually walking the edges of the perimeter

and moving faster than normal

quick reply was because i was online :wink:

good luck hope they come through for you

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