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What defines a halfmoon betta?


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A half moon is literally half a full circle.. Thus it would be like a capital 'D' shape.. A veiltail with a wide tail would not make a full 'D' shape, it would be more of a 160 degree angle rather than a full 180 degree angle..

Hope my explanations made sense lol.. :wink:

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LOL thanks guys :lol:

that means my new betta is a halfmoon :):):):D:D:D :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

I got him to flare in the shop and he made a straight line from top to bottom of his caudal fin. Havnt seen him flare fully since being at home though, maybe I should get him a mirror?

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if I bred him to a veiltail (VT?) female, what would the offspring be --> VT or HM?

same for a CT female --> HM or CT or VT?

for a HM female, what proportion of the offspring are likely to turn out HM?

how much is a halfmoon female going to cost me?

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if I bred him to a veiltail (VT?) female, what would the offspring be --> VT or HM?

same for a CT female --> HM or CT or VT?

for a HM female, what proportion of the offspring are likely to turn out HM?

how much is a halfmoon female going to cost me?

wow. another experiment :bow: will take you a while to get first hand data. but wot for to x them?

i do not think there are any (or my mistake, just guess) HM female came in NZ, COz the breeder overseas try to contral the trade, if some coming in, how can they export these beauties overseas? it will sooner or later spread in NZ. and we may not need to get fish from fishshop :P so neither

breeder overseas.

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No, I don't have one lol... all my female fighters have committed suicide by jumping out of my tank :o and the one nice male does not like blowing bubble nests for females. the other nice fighter has fallen in love with my apisto "steel blue" and blows nests for HIM.


we live in a strange strange world.

PS- you stole my fighter, lol.. i had it ordered in for me :-? :o

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