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WCMM ratio


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i use to fill a tank with javamoss add the minnows (pref feed em up prior) and give heaps of livefood/food in general, you should see them spawning and id remove adults 2-3days later then wait for fry, worked well, u could just remove the plants every few days to i geuss.

other option make up a box out of mesh (stainless pref) and then you can put fish in that and whey they spawn eggs fall below out of reach of adults, move to new tank every few days (never done this myself but always wanted to try it)

or mesh even security screen door mesh across bottom of tank so eggs fall through etc worked well for danios so may work for minnows

all fun and games theyre tricky little fish - supposeibly breed like rabbits but i think they eat (fry) like rabbits to.

or add male an female to a tank full of plants and it should populate but if your after numbers then best seperate i rekon hth

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My tanks about 10ltrs and it's got a gravel with a spawninbg mop that reaches the top and is fairly(4 who are really big and full of eggs) thick and a lots of little indian ferns planted. I think I got about 9 females (4 who are really big and full of eggs) and about 6 males. Is there anything that triggers them to breed? What should I feed to get them big and fat? I can get a few mossie larvae but thats pretty much the only live food I have. I do have frozen bbs and blood worms but they don't seem to like blood worms.

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Yep but even cold water tanks heat up during the warm days and with only a small tank it wont take long to get warm like 18deg. I have a 30ltr in the spare room and it gets to 20deg sometimes. I had 3 fems and 3 males in an 18ltr last year with heaps of java moss and some oxygenating plant (looked like grass) on the bottom. One day i noticed tiny black things stuck to the glass,, then free swimming fry every where. All i did was feed them flake everyday and did a small syphon water change every couple of weeks.

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i have 35 WCMM living in a bath tub outside for summer. the only thing i do is the occasional water top up and drop in some flake once in a while. just realised today that there are no plants in there for them to spawn in, so will be getting some later this arvo.

last time i did this, i put 6 in and, come time to move them to there winter home, i pulled out 60.

also have my golden ones in a tank (full of daphnia) out on the front deck, so hopefully will get some good results.

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lol. Hopefully these don't have as many fry as the fighters. My BNs hatched today so I suppose I'll be over run with them :roll: . also my pair of killies are laying about 8 eggs a day :bounce: and I've got heaps of baby platys hair.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...

Last weekend I gave the WCMM to my friend as I want to close down a few tanks (I was going to get a few of him later on). Anyway I closed down the tank but didn't get round to emptying it. I looked in today and noticed a fry on the side of the tank. I managed to find about 5 but I'm thinking theres more in the mop. What do I do now, How long till there egg sacks gone.

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