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leopard fish questions


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hi i have a few questions on leopard fish

1. whats the minimum tank size for a trio?

2. is 15c an ok temp?

3. do they ever eat their fry?

4. how often will they breed?

5. how many babies would they produce?

6. would they be ok for a first time breeder?

7. what sort of food do they need and how often?

8. how do you tell apart male & female?

and any other info is appreciated thanks

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1: Arguably the smallest tank you could buy that is suitable for fish. Obviously it's better to have a little more size for them to breed and feel more comfortable. 20L at a pinch, but three would survive fairly well in smaller.

2: 15c would be fine. I've never bothered with a heater, they just sit in whichever room they happen to be in. Drops down below 10c in winter up into mid twenties in summer. I've not found they survive a Wellington winter outside, whether that's temperature related I'm not sure though.

3: They probably do, but not to any great extent.As long as they've got space and are well fed I have a contstant turnover of new fish. I find they tend to breed more seasonally as I don't heat the tanks in any way. They don't seem to be as prolific as some others, but I've always got more than I have room for regardless.

4: Constantly... more when it's warmer. As mine live in a large group I've never kept an eye on when a particular female drops.

5: Smallish broods compared to some other livebearers possibly 5 a time. I'm sure more if someone was taking extra care and time to get the most possible with proper individual care and feeding etc.

6: I think so. I gave 5 (three females and two males) to my girlfriend almost six years ago, and they bred in the little tank a gave her. Had some sitting in next to my desk in an office, they bred. I've given an awful lot away and they're all descendents of thosee five fish. They're tough as nails and last for a few years as well.

7: I feed mine morning and evening when it's warm and just mornings when it's cold (during winter more or less). I only clean the front glass and they spend the rest of the day picking algae off everything. Usually feed Nutrafin max livebearer food, which is just a flake with small bits of freeze dried tubifex worm in it. Occasionally throw in some frozen foods from when I'm feeding the other fish or rinse out the cloth of BBS after feeding other fish fry.

8: Very easily. As with most livebearers, the male is much smaller and slender with an enlarged gonopodium (modified anal fin used to transfer sperm to the female). Females are larger, have rounder bellies and are usually being chased by horny males. :)

Hope this was useful

Gavin.... :) :)

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