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what's the best food for Discus?


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Amy! use beef heart - that recipe that was discussed in the DIY section.

Tetra colour bits are really good too... I sued to use this food called Aqori GloRED - its the best food i have ever used.... ever... got it from singapore... have a hunt around and see if you can get it. :bounce:

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I tried beef heart from the DIY section but the Discus just spit it back out, I've spent almost 3 hours re-freezing and re-cutting pieces of beef heart so the pieces are small enough but they won't take it :o wasted 3 hours of my life lol and I had severe hand cramp from cutting frozen meat...

(mum wouldn't let me borrow her Magic Bullet to blend). Tried feeding them three times so they were used to it but just didn't swallow it.


Am thinking about buying a big tub of the new Vikings Discus formula from HFF..anyone tried that?

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WOW they are nice..looks a little crowded though, getting greedy there lol.

I only have 9 at the moment - going to downsize to 7.

So the beef heart makes them brighter in colour?

K I will presevere - might use mum's magic bullet when she's not home.

Did you have a bare bottom tank though? - how was the cleaning factor if you had gravel?


I feed them on the bare bottom side (won't fully gravel until the smaller Discus have grown a bit)

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it was a 12ft by 4ft by 3ft aquarium!

i could fit in it happily.... lol

filtration was running constantly, there were holes in the bottom of the tank via undergravel - gravity did most of it, and flow regulators (fancy way of saying taps lol) to ensure the water could be pumped back by the pumps at the rate that it was coming out by.

filter was home made-ish - massive carbon pod thing attached to a swimming pool pump and a whole load of media and sand and stuff - total pain to clean but only needed cleaning once in 6 months or so- water changes (about 25% from under the undergravel) once every month, and filter was drained once every two weeks... there was heaps of gravel by the time it was complete - about 2inches of polished amethist crystal... purple stuff looked awesome - haven't seen it in NZ though.

beef heart with the garlic thing is real good; i grated it and didn't blend it cause then it resembles bloodworms in the water, instead of crumbling to bits.... had a few bottom feeders - mainly cories....

tank held 300 discus in it at one stage - ranging from small $2 coin sized to full sized ones... sold them as they got bigger - its how i earned money as a kid, lol....

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haha holy crap that MUST have been one HUGE tank...I've looked into importing too the minimum order is like $1500 and then shipping and whatever paperworks on top. But they were selling Discus at CHEAP prices - 5cm Blue Diamonds was $6.50 each etc and misc Discus at $3 each! If I had several 8footers I would SO import then sell off and keep the best ones for myself :D

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yeah i used to get them for about $2 ea for babies at the size of a $2 coin ranging to the old 50c coin.... plus a 30% mortality compensation (so 30% more fish at no extra cost).

my friend's dad was the fisheries minister so the paper work was well... erm.. handled.. and i was left to deal with the fish. got heaps of free fish too! lol

the tank was one of the entrance walls to the house, in the second floor courtyard (sorta hard to explain so i won't lol)...

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ha ha no... lol.. i know of a few suppliers from work but that's it....

I've worked out that in NZ, its more complicated to do the stuff i used to plus the capital requirements are high; and fixed costs with electricity etc..... and as a third year at uni i should really focus on my studies instead of the more fun alternative - FISH! lol

am very keen to start a pet shop chain though... have a business plan all set up.... one day some day... after my degree... watch out NZ! lol

u need strong as glass for a tank that big remember that lol... that tank was toughened 16mm. with supports all the way through... nightmare to catch a fish that's for sure... lol.

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hahahaha use a car battery and temporarily stun them and you can just pick from the floaters...my uncle does that whenever he goes to a fish farm to fish but doesn't succeed the owner just flicks on the electricity and he goes to pick out the best fish 8)

would be awesome to own chain of petshops, especially if you were a fish breeder yourself

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I use JBL Nova bits, Tetra colour, Viking discus total and blood worm's and they seem to love it all. The Viking one is really good too BTW. Ment to have a very similar ingrediant to another well known brand but cheaper? Find the Tetra colour actually does bing out more colour too!

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