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very bloated cherry barb - help


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One of my male cherry barbs is really bloated. I'm thinking he might be constipated so I've given him an epsom salt bath today.

I tried feeding him mashed up peas but I don't think he's eating.

Any other suggestions for what I could try to do to help him?



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Have you separated him from the other fish? Put him in a hospital tank if you have one. Do you do water changes weekly and have you tested the water in the tank? I'm not sure what would bring that about so quick unless as you say you didn't notice him before. I'm thinking tumor.... What are your water results?

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I haven't separated him yet. Maybe I will tomorrow. I do have a spare tank.

I do water changes about every 2 weeks. I did water tests this week and there was no measurable ammonia or nitrite.

His body seems kind of twisted and last night when he pooed it didn't seem to be from the right place :-?

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Thanks for fixing the pics Mark :bow:

So folks, if it is indeed a tumor what can be done? Could it be constipation.

Try putting him in a breeding trap with some peas, worked for my barb, pooped like crazy (who did eventually die but had been having trouble for awhile).


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I wonder if it is an egg bound female. A tumour tends to stick out more one side or another I think.

Have you tried the peas or Epsom Salts in case it is constipated? That is the first thing to try. If that doesn't help, then I think there is nothing you will be able to do for it.

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I'm pretty sure it's a male as he's bright red.

I've put him in a separate tank with some epsom salts and some mashed peas. He's not interested in food though.

I don't hold out much hope but it feels better to try treatments just in case.

Thanks for all your helpful comments :-)

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That's definitely a male.

Looks like constipation/obstruction to me. You did the right thing trying epsom salts & peas - I don't know anything else you can try. Barbs are quite tolerant of salt (in general) so you could try keeping the water in his hospital tank a little salty. And see if that helps.

Sorry I can't be of more assistance. Good luck!

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It may or may not have been the salt, by the look of him I don't think he had much hope anyway. Still think tumor though as it did look a little lopsided. Keep an eye on the others in the meantime though to make sure the same doesn't happen to them too.

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