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chocolates...updated and with (poor) photos


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So as in the last post, I have been trying to get a few chocolate cichlids together for around 18mths now.

It has been a saga. :roll:

A female arrived from the Far North via Auckland, but the male didnt make it that far.

Then another 2 males were lost in transit...this I say has nearly gutted me.

I was offered (kindly :bow: ) an established pair but at their size and import, I decided to turn them down as they dont like coming south it seems.

Then I found a place that had a couple for sale and they arrived today. :bounce:

It appears after some fancy rock work rearrranging, that after I have put them in to a 4x2x2 tank that I have a male about 12 cm and a female about 15-18 cm, and a pair about the 12 cm mark.

So I am now going to have to set up the other 6" to re house the largest couple in hope they bond up. ( I was hoping to leave that until I finish my new fish room ( 8x3x2.4) in the next few weeks. :wink:

I think they may all be a bit on the small side yet for babies....not sure but they are certainly marking out their spots in the 4 ftr and it is getting a little rambuncious even after a few hours......I may be in for a long night...lol

Anyways enuff ramblings of a fish affected persona non grata.

Just wanted to say to all of those involved over the last 18mths .... ....Many Many Many Thank you's.


I wouldn't have made it this far with out you and I am in your debt.


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So I will get photos up soon.

Went to work last night and notices stones all over the place.

got up today at the crack of 1030 and more stones a blardy great pit and on the rock work about 200 coffee coloured eggs with big and bigger mrs Choc doing the dont come over here you little shites dance.

everyone else at one end of tank.

Now I know some things take time but thats what I call a whirlwind romance...man after my own heart.

Waaaahhhhooooo made my day.


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Well I thought I had lost them all as some had fungied.

Then today I see she has picked all the good eggs lying on the bottom of the tank.

On closer inpection I see wrigglers with little heads n tails...waahhhhoooooo





The red grains of Sand are the Wrigglers



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