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Acrylic Aquariums....


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as a glass merchant and out of real interest, why would anyone want an acrylic tank... what is the advantage please


You can shape it easily


Better Clarity on the tanks that require thick glass/acrylic

You can build much larger tanks compared to glass that would max out at about 900 - 1000tall.

and it doesn't chip if you hit a corner on the garage floor :D


It scratches easy, even when your not touching it :D

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I too have been looking at acrylic tanks, but mainly from the point of view of a breeding set-up, as it would be easier to drill and plumb an acrylic tank than it is to do so with glass.

However anyone I have asked about making me some ask absolutely crazy prices for them (+$250 for a 90cm long tank).

I came to the conclusion that making my own was the cheapest and best way to go. A small 60x30x30 @ 10mm, square edges (nothing fancy here) ran to about $50 each for the material, but had to buy enough material to make 5-6 tanks.

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Another bonus is that they have more flexibility than glass. Acrylic is very popular in California because in an earthquake the glass will shatter and the acrylic should be able to move with it. I do prefer glass but was considering changing over because of all the benefits. After moving my 6 foots several times, and always needing a small army for them I'm having strong thoughts of changing over.

I have looked on TM but couldn't see anything besides "tubular tanks". I was thinking acrylic for a 6-8 foot.

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I posted this last time, but I'll post it again anyway...

MFK - Glass Vs. Acrylic 27 pages of discussion of the pros and cons.

I think if we could get commercially made acrylic tanks here I'd be inclined to go for it with anything much over 4' or 500L. Glass is just so damn heavy, and unforgiving with the way it breaks [barry my tank is finally full and looking good, did plumbing last night!]. One exception would be if I was keeping something like a large male jag who was going to dig and constantly move stuff around, then the acrylic would be more likely to get scratched.

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Thanks for that David R

Looks like I've found someone who makes the acrylic too. may have him do a small one first to see how it looks and then possibly replace my larger ones completely.....

I know they scratch easy, but the benefits are hard to resist. Although I still like the look of glass better.

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Yeah will do. Going to have him do up one that's....


I'll use that to replace an existing one. I'll get some pic's when done and post them. The other alternative that I was thinking was having some commercially made ones sent here. When I lived in Canada you would see so many of them and I stubbornly went with glass, now after shifting 3 times with all my tanks I've finally had enough. I'm not planning any more moves but I would be much happier too for the piece of mind an acrylic will give during an earthquake.

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Thanks for that Caryl and MiNcIE.

Will see how this guy locally makes out with the first project and try to get in touch with Tank Man about replacing my biggies :D:D:D

Maybe I can sell my 2 6foots to cover the cost of 1 acrylic 6foot, I don't have the room for both 6's at the moment anyway, however I don't really need a bed do I??? :roll:

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