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what size tank for black ghost knife

snake kid

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massive mouth is correct. don't be fooled by their looks. the mouth is twice the size you think it is. BGK's do grow very large and will need a decent size tank, but they take a while to get there. mine is about 18cm and i have had him for about a year. he was approx 10cm when i got him. currently living in a 4ft tank with a clown knife, but this needs to change soon as he is starting to get aggressive towards it. he is also very good friends with the 28cm albino pleco in the tank :)

if you do get one, try to avoid feeding live foods as they will refuse any other once hooked :roll:

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Like the others have said, tank isn't big enough for a Kinfe fish, long term anyway.

But loaches, yes you have some options. But look for the smaller species, as they do need to live in a group, I would say 4 minimum.

Look for Zebra, Dwarf Chain or Kuhlis. They all stay small and a group of any of those will be fine in a 70-80l tank. They can live fine with any other small community fish that you want as well.



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