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Is my tank big enough for....


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Red Tailed Sharks, can be quite agressive apparently moreso towards smaller fish such as tetras so are probably not suited to community aquariums. At least not smaller ones anyway.

Not sure about the tank size? I read the minimum size is 10 gallons which is about 37 litres. What kind of tank is it? Like Aqua One or something??

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I have a Rainbow Shark which is similar to the Red Tailed Shark apart from that the Rainbow Shark has all red fins, rather than just the red tail.

Even though they grow to the approximate same size (15cm) I saw it was suggested a minimum of 10 gal (37ish litres) for the Red Tail and 55 gal (208ish litres for the Rainbow Shark. Not sure why that is. I don't have a 208 litre tank, its only about 150ish and he seems to be doing fine. Originally had him in a little 37 litre tank by himself. :oops: He does get grumpy from time to time if any of his tank mates get in his territory, he will chase them out briefly, but thats all.

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my rainbow likes to chase away other fish sometimes, seems to depend what sort of mood he's in. He's never hurt anything tho. In fact it's amusing to watch. Livens things up in the tank.

They are territorial fish. Mine has two places that he regards as "his". Watch out anyone who dares to stray into one of these two places. They'll be promptly chased out.

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