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Not sure what is wrong with my fish


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I have a <20cm giant kokopu that is looking decidedly off colour and I am not sure what I am dealing with or what to do.


Sitting near the surface, just holding position (not gasping or hanging, no buoyancy issues, no clamped fins)


Thickened mucus coating, most noticeable over the eyes

Spot of blood in one eye, eyes possibly look a little swollen

Had a strange white thing near its anus hanging from a mucus string (kinda like an opaque white small planaria, no distinguishing features but not typical poo)

The anal area seems a bit swollen and like there is a poo sitting right there but not coming out.

It has looked like this for at least 24 hours.

It is not interested in food of the activities of the other fish.

I netted it out easily (though it objected to being in the net) and looked at the anal area, definitely odd. I tried gently pressing towards it and whatever is sitting there wouldn't budge. A little bit of fluid came out but that was all.

All the other fish are looking extremely healthy and I had the water tested last week and it is spot on.

Currently doing a waterchange and getting the fish separated into a hospital tank.

I am really worried. It is not looking doom and gloom but things are definitely Not Right :(:(:(:(

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hi stella

just an idea but with mucus layer thickened and eye symptoms may be bacterial infection

water change may help and lower temp if you can with icepack

the anal thing maybe internal parasite or blockage with other symptoms secondary infection, may need time to pass blockage

maybe kidney infection that has caused the pop eye effect

i have only really dealt with fungal infections with native

so really can't offer help as to treatments

try this link remember the galaxiads have a different skin type


good luck

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