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axolotl breeding


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we have a pair of golden albino axolotls that have had a successful spawning and we hatched out 150+ babies. they survived for about a week afeter hatching... we did water changes and fed them on daphnia and tried brineshrimp but they wernt interested in any of them. If anyone has had success with axolotl fry your help would be great for next time they spawn.

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sounds like u did evrethin right to me :S

i think key is to keep livefood available alot of the time (or feed 2-3 times a day maybe) but also keepn the tank clean, slow fresh water changes etc. especially after brineshrimp as they can foul the water pretty quick if they are left to die, hth

any pics of your setup? :lol:

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yea theyre kool to watch develope from eggs ae :)

did they all die quickly, a week old isnt long and if all died thats sorta extreme as with no attention id expect a few to survive, im leaning towards water prob, maybe over fed with brineshrimp as they shouldnt nd to much live food in first wk and tht polluted water . .

daphnia's like gold, try get it established with eggs before they hatch and as they eat it/dissapears add more, possibly try microworms once the egg sak things gone (about a day old for memory?) but daphnias great (keepting a good supply is the tricky bit) im surprised your axie babys didnt start eating it, maybe you have to much water flow in tank for them to settle?

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