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What filter to use?


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Eheim 2224, similar in specs to aquaone cf 1200, but 5 watt power draw versus 22 watts for the aqua one. When it is running 24/7 this must make a difference to the power bill.

Plus eheim media is the best!

I have a 2224 on my 200l, and it is a brilliant filter.

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2224 is not near the same specs as a CF1200, to begin with it's half the flow and less filter volume. The 15 watts power saved by the 2224(I'm skeptical of it only using 5 watts, but we'll ignore that) will save you only about $2/month. But will cost you 4 years to make up the price difference on the SALE price

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I just thought the jebo was a tad on the small side with only 2 baskets and noodles plus it seems to become clogged quickly as i have my tank overstocked :oops: so there is a greater amount of debris going into it.

This is not helped by my big pleck who devours most plant matter like its his/her last meal.

I was given some fine grass like plant (2) and they all but disappeared over two days!

I have changed the media (Dacron filters and charcoal) in the not too distant future, but it doesn't seem to scrub the water very well. :-?

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I have just been given an Eheim 2224 by a friend to borrow, (long term :wink: ).

It came with a new box of Eheim Substrat Pro (little ball things, and a box of Eheim Mech noodle things.

The filter has been used and cleaned, but has old noodles in it.

Should I discard those and put the new ones in?

These are in the bottom basket with a blue sponge on top of them

Do the balls go in the top basket?

Does anything go under the bottom basket?

Sorry for all the Q's, but this is a new set-up for me.

EDIT; I have got it all sorted now, thanks. Aint the internet a wonderful thing? :D

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Oooh you lucky thing! I wish people would lend me their fish stuff long term! :D

What did you end up doing with the filter media? Personally I would have sterilised the old media by boiling it, then kept all the media. (The more media the merrier, I always say.)

Then I would add the new filter to the tank in addition to the old one so you always have a filter running for emergencies like setting up a quarantine tank.

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Oooh you lucky thing! I wish people would lend me their fish stuff long term! :D

What did you end up doing with the filter media? Personally I would have sterilised the old media by boiling it, then kept all the media. (The more media the merrier, I always say.)

Then I would add the new filter to the tank in addition to the old one so you always have a filter running for emergencies like setting up a quarantine tank.

Yes I was lucky there indeed. :wink:

I cleaned out the old Eheim filter as best as I could, washed the blue scrubber thing under the hot tap, and washed the noodles likewise, then placed that basket back in the filter.

The top basket was empty, so after a quick scrub, I placed in it the new packet of Bio filter medium (balls) and rinsed these under the tap to remove all the dusty loose particles.

There was no Dacron pad(s) for this basket, so I fashioned one from some scraps we had and placed this basket into the filter.

On top I placed an additional Dacron pad as on one website I saw on the set-up of this filter, that's what it too had.

I filled the filter with fresh water and added some Stress Zyme. Closed it all up, connected the hoses, plugged her in and waited, and waited, and waited. Nothing happening. It was then I realised that I had overlooked bleeding the hoses in preparation of the filtration process. :oops: This completed and away it went.

I have kept the other filter running in there for now; I may or may not remove it. Both inlets are at one end and outlets at the other. There is just a wee bit of tidying of hoses to do sometime for aesthetics.

I will however need to get a spray bar for the Eheim though as it is just has a hose going directly into the tank.

The water definitely looks a lot clearer I must say :D and the greenish tinge has gone that has bugged me for ages, but it is slightly milky looking, although improving from last night, to this morning to mid day. :o

I have blocked off one end of the tank closest to the window to try to prevent too much direct sunlight entering it.

I have also added a dose of both B clear and P clear, that I too was given. Aint it nice to have friends in high places, ones who work in LFS's :hail:

Lastly I will do a test of the water tomorrow or Wednesday when it has had time to settle with a API Freshwater Master Kit that was also loaned to me for testing purposes. :wink:

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Ok, so im home for the afternoon, im bored and im inpaitent. Typical male I hear some of you saying. :lol:

So I set about using this fancy test kit I was loaned, here are the results.

Ph = 7

High Range Ph = 7.4

Ammonia = 0ppm mg/L

Nitrate N02 = 0ppm mg/L

Nitrate N03 = 10 - 20ppm mg/L

Ph on a different "wide range tester" = 7.5

BTW it looks like the milkiness is dissipating further. :)

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