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Nothobranchius Belly Slider


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Killifish swim Olly eels slide/swim

With Nothos, there are some fry that are belly sliders and normally you cull them out.

There are all sorts of theorys on what causes it ranging from not being able to get to the surface soon enough to fill the swim bladder to low presure systems or rapidly changing presure.

There is a guy in South Africa that swears by the presure system and a few people put the peat/eggs into a bottle full of water in a large tank to hatch so the presure is maintained.

One of these years, I too may well try to see what makes a difference.... but not at the moment

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I have only ever had belly sliders with angels and it was always because the temperature was too low. I have never had it with nothos and have bred thousands of them. Never bred rachovi though and that is the one most people talk about belly sliders with. Had plenty of velvet with nothos though.

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I think that for adults you may well be correct ej... for fry, I belive its is something else... what, I have no idea.

If Alan has yet to have the pleasure of belly sliders, It must be time to send him some Nigripinnis eggs eh

They dont need salt at all and are peat divers... what do you think Alan?

Ive promised the next lot of peat to some friends but in just over a month??

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Further to the "Belly Sliders"

I always use oxygen tablet when wetting peat. It was a tip I got from Jesper Thorup in Demark, because in the beginning breeding Nigs., I always got "Belly Sliders" In the last 3 hatchings of about 100+ no "Belly Sliders"

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