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First Tank: Want to set up for Koura & Shrimp


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Success, of such...

Vince Skully of Kaikoura, a Koura farmer, has just got back to me saying he'd be happy to sell me Koura for my aquarium. He's checked with the Ministry of Fisheries and Doc, and they're happy to let him sell them on the pre-condition that I don't release them.

They're the Northern species of Koura, and the native Christchurch version is the Southern species. So releasing a Northern one would have all sorts of horrific implications - I guess.

The one problem is that they're $100 a kilo (20 individuals)! That's the going rate for table (grown for the top-end cuisine market) koura, and as you can imagine it's not really worth shipping small batches due to the requirements of packaging and all the extra leg work.

So I've asked if he's keen to do a one off, I'm not too hopeful, but we'll see how it goes and I'll keep you updated.

Needless to say, if someone wants 19 Koura I'll happily sell them to you ;s (Though, it's probably illegal to even sell farmed Koura without a permit, so, erm, damnit!).

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RE Dixon

Well, I would, but as to the forum regulations we're not allowed to organise bulk purchases.

I'll see what Vince says and what his minimum batch is - hopefully he'll make a one off exception for us.


Imagine the shipping requirements, they'd all have to be separated or you'd open your package and there'd only be ONE BIG FAT Koura.

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RE Dixon

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's right. I can imagine that might have been a sticking point for MAF, but apparently not.

The Northern ones don't get as big, but they're not as hairy. So it's 50/50 really. I could have just shaved a southern one, if I could I source it.

Failing all this I'm going to Hanmer on the weekend, then failing that I'll try Alexandra and then Blenheim. Gee wizz, he's dedicated!

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RE Dixon

Well, I would, but as to the forum regulations we're not allowed to organise bulk purchases.

I'll see what Vince says and what his minimum batch is - hopefully he'll make a one off exception for us.


Imagine the shipping requirements, they'd all have to be separated or you'd open your package and there'd only be ONE BIG FAT Koura.

my god u have learnt the rules fast :bow:

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RE Spoon

Shuddup! The admin was all on my case after I posted a TradeMe link, so I thought I better learn the rules. It's a bit different to the usual forums I partake in - KiwiBiker etc.

I want a pet Koura/Crayfish/Yabbie but I can't find one in my area.

Where can I get a pet Koura/Crayfish/Yabbie.

Phoned Vince Skully [Koura Farmer] - based in Kaikoura

A cool bloke, had lots to say about the Koura. Here's the gist of it...

- He's willing to ship small batches - he said shipping's around $10 per batch (Kaikoura to Christchurch, subject to change). Obviously this will incur greater costs to him due to the hassle and packaging etc - so don't take it for granted!

- They cost about $5 each, that's for a mature 50gm Koura at $100 a KG. These are some of the highest quality crayfish in the country, disease free and well graded. These prices are subject to change so check with him before you budget!

- He sells the Northern species, so if you live south of Kaikoura you will need clearance from MAF and DOC to keep his Koura as pets (unconfirmed, I'll contact them this week and find out).

- If you want to catch your own, your best shot will be to use an Opera House Net - he also said the best bait to use is Cheese Snarler Sausages!

- He finds that every hive has a dominant Koura, all the others will grow much slower than the dominant Koura. Once you remove the dominant one the others will begin growing normally again.

- He sees no reason why two koura cannot live in the same tank. Obviously there's a chance of cannibalism - especially during moulting - but the chance of this can be mitigated by providing numerous small caves for them to squeeze into.

- His current stocking is 10 per square metre, but that's with a complex "hive" structure, which reduces their stress by separating them whilst maximising the space. Also, he purposely clouds the water in order to reduce the infighting.

- Their oxygen requirement is 8mg per litre of water and they absorb it quickly. He told me to learn about the Oxygen Cycle, though it may not be necessarily applicable to my setup.

- If you have to put Koura in a bucket, make sure they can stick their head out and breathe if the oxygen in the water becomes too low. They'll drown otherwise.

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Jeeze, you guys have got it hard down there! I just throw on some scuba gear and I've got my 50 in 20mins... They stay alive out of the water for ages too. In a catch bag for half a day no worries! Wear gloves when ya get 'em, the big ones can nip pretty hard.

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