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Is my tank cycling ok?


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I am now at the tail end of an ammonia spike.

Did another 50% water change yesterday, have been doing them daily since the ammonia got out of hand.

Test results from this morning

Ammonia 0.1ppm

Nitrite 0.1ppm

Nitrate 5.0ppm

PH 7.2

There is obviously something in my new set up that is buffering the PH up to 7.2 because no matter how much I try and bring it down the next day it is right back at 7.2.

I suspect the schist I added may be the culprit, I don't want to lose the rocks though so is there anything else I can add that will bring it down a bit? I have a smallish piece of driftwood in there but I doubt it is big enough to counteract the rocks.

Any suggestions or advice gratefully accepted

Thanks :D

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Hi bedazzled.

It sounds as if the ammonia is under control. You should now get a nitrite spike and will need to keep the water changes going to control that.

What kind of fish are in the tank?? What is the pH of your tap water?

7.2 pH is fine for most fish and I wouldn't worry about it.

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Use bottle #2 from your Nitrate test kit to test the various rocks. It is hydrochloric acid so will fizz very obviously if it comes in touch with anything alkaline (try it on a shell just for fun). If it doesn't fizz then your rocks aren't the cause of the different pH.

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OH MY GOD!!! I am gutted!!

Just went to do a water change and found I have forgotten to plug the filter and heater back in, my poor fish are freezing their nuts off :(

And I have probably killed any sort of biological filter I had going :cry:

Have plugged it all back in and done ammonia and nitrite tests and nothing has changed since the tests I did yesterday but time will tell I guess.

Will just let the heater bring it back up to temp slowly, maybe helped along a wee bit by some warm water

*sigh* I can't believe I was so damn stoopid! My poor poor fishies :(

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Don't be too hard on yourself - I think we've all done something similar at least once!

Actually you probably haven't done the good greeblies much harm. The fact that the temp was low when the filter was off probably just meant they went to sleep for a while in your filter but they should be fine.

And the fish will probably be fine too given they live in the Winterless North :lol:

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Don't be too hard on yourself - I think we've all done something similar at least once!

Actually you probably haven't done the good greeblies much harm. The fact that the temp was low when the filter was off probably just meant they went to sleep for a while in your filter but they should be fine.

And the fish will probably be fine too given they live in the Winterless North :lol:

Good to hear my greeblies should be ok

Who has been telling you stories about the winterless north?

Car windscreen was iced up this morning and there was a pretty frost lol

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Getting your pH below 7 usually requires rainwater, reverse osmosis unit, or peat in the filter. I haven't found tap water yet that was soft enough to go below 7.

7.2 is perfectly fine for most fish, stability is MUCH more important, and a lower pH is harder to manage (due to a lack of buffering). For the vast majority of fish kept in aquariums, going below 7 is only needed to induce spawnings, and even then its usually the hardness of the water and conductivity thats important and the pH is just a bi-product of those factors.

If you've been using pH down, throw the bottle away.

If your nitrate keeps going up, that is a good sign the bacteria is working, it shouldn't be long before ammonia and nitrite drop to 0. If your fish start gasping for air etc then chances are your ammonia is too high, if the nitrite gets too high it usually resolves in a fairly quick death, so try to keep that low (measurable to encourage bacteria growth, but not higher than that, 0.1 is likely a good figure).

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