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whats the easy fish for a new be


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also depends on what you like too. I have a 30ltr in my sons room and have put 6 White Cloud Mountain Minnows in it... easy to look after, cold water (no heating) small fish (so you can have more) And i put them in the outside tub in the summer for them to multiply. It pays to look around and decide on what you want and can afford. Good luck.

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You could add platys. They're colourful, active, hardy and breed really easy. Also some corys and a BN for cleaning and some khulie loaches (the best loach in the world :P ) and what about a male siamese fighter

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Wait until the tank has been running for at least 6 months before you add a loach. This means they will have stuff to graze on as they move about. They like a tank that has been running a while.

Any of the small fish would suit your tank. Have you thought about the smaller species of danios, tetras and barbs?

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When I had him in there (he's old now so he's in a tank where he doesn't have to compete for food) I had blue rams, gold rams, neons, glowlights (another great fish that schools with neons), platys, khulie loaches, BNs, corys, a female fighter and black widows. I'm sure I missed something out but I'll add it up later.

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what fish do you have with a fighter fish

I have a female and male Siamese fighting fish in with Guppies in my 40 litre tank. They all get on well. I brought an ornament car for my boy when he wants time out. He tries to entice his girlfriend in for a *ride* Looks so funny.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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