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DSB and LR Question


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Hey Guys and Girls

Ive got two questions about the above.

1. I done alot of reading and talking to many people about dumping 4" of live sand straight into a NEW tank, just wanted to know your fullas verdicts and advice.

2. LR is put in half-and-half is that correct (put half in at the start of the cycle and the rest at half way), its going to be 60-65 kg?

Thanks heaps.



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Ok thanks i will do that.

Cheers Steve :D , as you said the sand bed depth is somewhat confusing at times with ever man and his dog with their own opinions, but i was told if the sand was just stuff off the LFS shelves and was dumped in at once, it could cause BOMBs, but i look forward to the challenge and rewards ahead.

Hey jack jack not sure what you mean by uncured, the stuff im getting is fresh from the ocean and is all live.

I read a theory about the placement of the LR which reckoned that it was best to have 25% of the sand covered with LR and 75% open is that true?

One more thing, would you purchase a skimmer @ $239.00 for up to 1000 ltr or 1 for $279.00 for up to 2000 ltr, personally i would spend the extra 40 and buy the bigger one, no such thing as over filtration is there? The brand is AquaSonic

Thanks again for all your help



P.S Go the All Blacks and lets get another half century :D

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One more thing, would you purchase a skimmer @ $239.00 for up to 1000 ltr or 1 for $279.00 for up to 2000 ltr, personally i would spend the extra 40 and buy the bigger one, no such thing as over filtration is there? The brand is AquaSonic

A that price i would not class them as skimmers, more like toys.

a good skimmer will cost around $700-$1000. might seem much but at the end of the day this is the most important filtration.

My skimmer cost $4500 . it is worth every cent.

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by uncured i meant straight from the ocean. dont put it all in at once, go half in and let the filtering bacteria develop from the stuff that dies off so that when you put the second half in you get most of the 'stuff' on your rock living. if you dump it all in at once you will get a huge ammonia spike and alot of the squirts, sponges and other life on the rock will die-off.

you dont need to spend $4500 on a skimmer, thats just silly, what size is your tank? look at http://www.reefonline.com.au for some quality skimmers, i think you'll find most of them are alot lest than what reefs will reccomend you spend ;) he just likes scaring newbies

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ok Jack Jack will do and thanks for the link.

I found a skimmer from that site (AquaC EV-240 Spray Injection Protein Skimmer) that does up to 1200 ltrs for $830.00 but i think i might go for the AquaC EV-1000 Spray Injection Protein Skimmer for $1300.00 because it does up to 4000 ltrs, more filtration the better i thought.

My tank is a 6x2x21/2.

I cant justify spending $4500 on a skimmer.

Thanks again guys


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No one said you had to spend $4500 for a skimmer, I just mentioned that is what I spend and I was very happy with it.

My skimmer has a 300mm tube and pulls in 2100L/H of air. Let’s see an aqua c do that.

Aqua c really over rate their skimmer, how can a ev1000 do a 4000l tank when my deltec is 3 times the size and is also rated for a 4000l tank.

You pay for quality

If you are going to spend $1300 look at getting a Deltec turbo 1060 or a Ap 850

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