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bumble bee and aratus what to feed


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Hi tdj5

I feed brineshrimp to my African Cichlid fry and its never caused me a problem.

I give my mature Africans small amounts of bloodworm but only rarely, maybe once a fortnight or less. Some people have had trouble with bloodworms causing bloat.

I give mine a regular diet of NLS Cichlid Formula but a good quality flake food will do them fine with a bit of spirulina flake for balance.


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We feed brineshrimp to our young African fry....

As firenzenz said in regards to mbuna... they mustn't have a meaty diet, spirulina and vege/algae based foods are a must.

We don't feed bloodworms out at all to our Africans.

Haps etc appreciate Mysis Shrimp, they chow down majorly on Mysis frozen blocks.

We also feed fresh shrimp diced up and making our own frozen mix for africans with spinach etc

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i feed all sorts of food to my africans. main diet consists of Sera granumeat, Sera granugreen, sushi wrap & jbl novo rift sinking sticks. I also feed blood worms but only once a week. Other foods that work well are shelled peas, brocoli & mozquito larvae.

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