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Panaque maccus-Clown Pleco.


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I am looking at buying a couple of these,

They have been in the shop for a few years and i need to know a couple things, Would they live happily as the only plecs in a 300L Planted discus tank?

And how long do they live for? Also wanting to know how to tell what sex they are.

Thanks in advance for any help :D

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hey dixon they will be fine in a 300l tank on their own just dont expect them to do all the cleaning up lol

ideallly they dont want to be as high as 30 c but they will be fine at that temp (for discus )

to sex them the males grow hairs down the body from the dorsal fin to the tail and females dont, depending on size this is the best way of course females should look chunkier but for their size they are quite chunky anyway HTH

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Im not getting them for cleaning lol, Going to try get another 2 or 3 after a month or so too.Want some of each sex so i have the chance to breed them later on.And How long do they live for? the current ones have been instore for a few years.

Have you breed them before mr pleco?

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hey dixon can only guess how long they live for at a guess 10 years + but cant see why they wouldnt live longer given the right conditions as for breeding no i havent basically because females are so hard to find i have a trio here two definite males (hairy) and one poss juvinelle female but time will tell good luck finding a female best way if you cant sex them (i.e see hairs down the body) is to buy four or five and grow them out

lol about the cleaning i was only kidding they are pretty useless at cleaning anyway (well mine are guess thats coz they are all male lol )

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Oh congrats on getting Clown Plecs.... :D They are fab little Plecs, I have a female here..

Mine chow down on anything that goes into the tank, definately not fussy eater... whatever goes in for the fish the Clowns certainly find :roll: :lol:

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