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A few Tanganyikan Pics...


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Here are a few recent Tangy shots...



Julidochromis marlieri..


Altolamprologus compressicep & Cynotilapia frontosa


3 x Tank Mates - Class Clowns.... :D


Bruno Plec aka Rusty Plec.... Grown up from baby... been with fronts from day one of us getting them 8)


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Thanks guys 8)

Aquatopia - Yes they are in the one big 8ft tank, around 900 litres.

2 very large Aquis 2400 canisters under the tank.

It is more or less the frontosas tank once they fully mature, they are just sharing with a few tank mates at the moment.. utilising space.

Have in there:


6 Leleupi in there.

1 spare J. marlieri male

Some Rainbowfish as dithers. Bosemani, Red Incisus, Blue Rainbow.

6 Polystigma grow ons, coming out in about 2 months.

3 Neolamprologus tretocephalus

Altolamprolgus compressicep

3 Clownies and Rusty Plec.

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Do you have a pic of the who width ?

Huh? :D :lol:

Ive heard the term dither fish before, but just passed over it - what does it actually mean ?

Below is a good read 8) HTH :D


Tropheus - I have been told they max out at around the 12 inch mark, however, they are very slow growing, my guy is around 8 inch I guess... love him to bits 8) He is a real fatty too, needs a corsette :o

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Hahahahaha Ryan, how did I know that was coming... :lol:

I will try and get some shots tonight, they are darn buggers to try and get pics of in that tank, I end up getting just a speckled blur :D :lol: :lol:

Then I end up losing my rag with the camera :lol: :lol:

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Ive heard the term dither fish before, but just passed over it - what does it actually mean ?

Below is a good read 8) HTH :D


Very useful article, thanks. I like the idea of Rainbowfish too - they are lovely fish. Are they from the African Lakes too ? Boesmani sounds sort of South African, lol. I saw a pic of a rainbowfish that was red and blue - divided vertically. Do you know what one that is ?


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Very useful article, thanks. I like the idea of Rainbowfish too - they are lovely fish. Are they from the African Lakes too ? Boesmani sounds sort of South African, lol. I saw a pic of a rainbowfish that was red and blue - divided vertically. Do you know what one that is ?

They are an outstanding fish and definately underated IMO... The reason I like the species I have for the set up is the fact that they grow to a nice size so Frons won't eat them .. :lol: Bonus one... and they are tolerant of hard water conditions 8)

My species originate from New Guinea. Hmm there are so many species out there, the one you saw could be one of many, if you have a good search on net, you should find a website dedicated to Rainbowfish and they have so many different profiles :D There are also some nice species from Australia :)

Ryan - Yeah neat little article and love the Calvus :P (I do believe I drooled over the picture :P ) :lol: You got a spare tissue? :lol:

I just caught one of the Polystigs playing dead on top of the bit of slate in the tank... laying flat on side but way alert... they definately swim in a pack around the tank too 8)

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Good to see you have Polystigs as well :) Great fish. Will have mine in a six footer with my Livingstoni and Fusco clan so hope all goes well. Just a bit paranoid about feeding them up to breeding condition and waste, as they will make a hell of a mess.

Pics please Afrikan

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