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Syno stripped mucus off BGK


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The vermiculated synodontis has stripped the mucus layer off the big BGK

the knife had a small patch of what i thought was velvet from grazing on the driftwood last week treated with stress coat in tank and seemed to be right, been hiding in big driftwood in tank for last 2 days came out today and it is a mess, white all over it

caught syno, seemed to be grazing on it

seperated knife in tank with stresscoat and anti bacterial, any other ideas

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Sorry to hear about that. I heard that tonic salt (and I suoppose all other aquarium safe salt) iritates their skin a bit which makes them grow more mucus

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Hmm you might be right there Cam... I am pretty sure I was told that you could use Aquarium Salt but in a much lower dose... maybe that info is wrong? Never having had to treat a BGK and no longer keeping one, I wouldn't know :(

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have done salt as well

i find that the best first treatment

big fish so it is a real worry

Oh ok livingart, so salt is ok for them, I was pretty sure that I had heard that.. had to rack my brain over that one tho to recall if I had heard right... do recall a mention of lower dose of salt tho... Fingers crossed for you here that he picks up :(

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bit worried as older fish don't take shocks too well

found a site that talked about synos and mucus layers on other fish

doesn't always happen though

but some can actually eat it on certain types of fish, bgk and discus being mentioned

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