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Needing inspiration for a killi tank


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I have an 80L tank which at the moment is only housing 6 neon tetras about 6 little killies, but I would like to change it into a killies only tank and am looking for some inspiration for reaquascaping the tank. I have a nice bunch of christmas moss so far. Any links/pics would be appreciated!

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Plants are weeds and only there for fish to feed on and hide in :oops:

Sorry, cant help (as far as plants go) as you can see by the above comment


What sort of Killies do you have?

You could go for a biotope tank...

6 striped panchax, 2 australe golds, 2 australe chocolats.

What would a biotope tank consist of?

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A biotope is where you try and replicate the natural environment where the fish originated.


http://fish.mongabay.com/species/Aploch ... eatus.html

if you are putting them in the same tank i hope they are all males

I'd be more worried about the australe fitting in the mouths of the panchax!

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