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Rotoiti snow


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I don't think Malamutes are considered a giant breed, they're just a large breed.

Ah no, when I said giant I was thinking of Great Danes and Dogue de Bordeax.

She's not hard at all to handle...Well...At least she can't drag me around. Just yell at her and thump her on the head and she looks like she's going to cry.

Certainly, they're wonderfully trainable if you know what you're doing and hell there was a woman I worked with who was ~52kg, both her dogs were 50-60kg (mastiffs of some sort, can't remember) and she handles them easily.

OTOH we have a client who has two malamutes, girl's about 35 boy's not quite 50 and he has no control over them. Yular (the male) has been in a lot more, sweet dog, likes to lean on you and get chin rubs but he leaps all over the place, dragging his owner with him, and apparently he's food-aggressive with him owner :roll:

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Poor socialization when young. Assuming he doesn't just want to play.:)

Hmmm... I doubt the play thing, if it was a bitch on the other hand........

He would suffer the wrath of the the electric fence to try and see off the German Shepherd down the way. You could see him tensing up in time with the pulses, but he would still be growling all the time.

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We took Tikki to Animates midwinter christmas thing last year(I think it was) and someone had brought a little tiny dachsund puppy and was walking it around on a lead. She ran over to him(Scaring the puppy's owner) then flopped down in front of him with her head on the ground to sniff and say hi...her ears were still higher than the top of the pups head.

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I think the girls are much more sociable than the boys.

And the trouble with ours was that he considered the hierarchy to be:

Kevin, then him, then Me, then the cats, then the chooks.

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I think the girls are much more sociable than the boys.

And the trouble with ours was that he considered the hierarchy to be:

Kevin, then him, then Me, then the cats, then the chooks.

Then you need to correct him on that. Do things like letting the cats eat his food while you hold him back and make him watch.

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