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FX5 Media


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Hi all,

I purchased a new FX5 earlier in the week and will be getting the media to put in it tomorrow (finally!)

I am thinking of getting Ceramic Rings for the 1st basket, eheim biosubstrat stuff for the 2nd and a fine filter floss for the last (Don't know where or what to look for the filter floss)

I am just wondering what everybody else uses in their FX5's?

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I have the 3 middle sections filled with bio media, the ceramic noodles pumice, and those random plastic things I raided probably 3 other canasters to get enough it can hold alot I would hate to buy it it would cost a fortune..

I probably wouldn't bother with anymore filter wool did yours come with the pads around the outside? Boimedia is more important than the filter wool and the stuff that came with it seems to do a good job.

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yeah, the filter came with the coarse wool, would like something finer thought to "polish" the water :)

really not looking forward to buying the eheim stuff, I saw a box in Animates today that would fill perhaps half a basket and it was 80 bucks!!!

do you know if it is necessary to have all the baskets full? its overkill for the tank its going in!

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Oh yeah fair enough mine does a very good job of clearing the water on my tank even when I bomb it out with my homemade food that always leaves tiny particles everywhere but each to their own..

Have you looked at something like this?

http://www.trademe.co.nz/Home-living/Pe ... 746873.htm

I am unsure how good they are but seem reasonably priced and if im not wrong 9.5L is about a bucket full?

The more biomedia the better really, of course they will live in filter wool etc otherwise sponge filters wouldn't be all that good.. If your tank is giong to be overfiltered anyway you could buy it as you can afford it and increase it overtime as you stock up your tank...

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I have some fine polyester wool(similar to Batts, but poly.) you can come and pick up if you want. Also what is going in the tank? African rift lake, Amazon, etc, 'cause that could determine the media in the filter.

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dont fill it with fine filter wool.

it will clog immediatey

you dont need it, it keeps the water crystal clear even with not fine wool

fill he three middle sections with eheim effis substrat

dont do ceramic rings. they re not as good.

just fill it wiht that. and i guarantee you wont be able to raise that amonia unless you have large carnivores in there

i have 2x 14 inch borneos,

1x 14 inch giant gourami and 1x 12 inch oscar and 1x 10 inch catfish, and i feed them 3 to 4 times a day

the filter does its job

i feel it prawns too

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It is great having warehouse type places like Spotlight etc We have a place here in Hawkes Bay that we get dacron from, far cheaper to buy by the metre... so everyone we know that has canisters, I let know, so much cheaper and you can get different thicknesses etc Way cheaper than bagged filterwool that you buy at LFS.

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