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Blue rams, rummy nose and treadfins


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i have recently got another bigger tank so i was thinking of giving the old AR 620 to my rams so they can happily breed. but i was also contemplating adding to the same tank 3 rummy nose and 3 rainbow treadfin (leftovers from another tank).

thats the background, my question is that will the rummy nose and treadfin eat the ram eggs and/or fry?

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I would say while the rams are protecting the eggs they should be fine.... if the rams are infact good parents that is 8) It is when the fry are hatched and free swiming that is more of a task for the parents as they are on the move and threadfin rainbows are quick and could take a swipe or two at them....

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think you mean threadfins lol yeah i wouldn't add them cuz they'll stress out the ram parents and rams are certainly not the hardiest fish in the world! also you'll need more than 3 rummies like prefer to be in schools of 6+ like all tetras

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Yeah as above you don't want any other fish in the tank it seems to just stress the parents out, hopefully your rams are good parents mine haven't had a go in their own tank but in a community tank they guard them well but egg's only last 12 hours I don't know if they eat them or others..

And although those fish are small ram babies are tiny and tetra's and rainbows are fast and pretty good at picking babies off..

Good luck with the ram's :)

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We had a pair of rams in our good old bow front about a year ago or so now... they laid eggs, were very relaxed around the egg raising stage but once at fry stage they were continuously on the prowl... over tank mates, unfortunately they bred in a planted tank with a few other tank mates and getting the babies out would have been near impossible.

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i had this pair in my com tank and they have laid afew times before, they are getting better parents each time. There tank should be set up in the next couple of weeks and ill put the rams in that, by them self.

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