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How to look after cichlid fry?


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I've got some dwarf cichlid fry at the moment and would like some tips on how to look after them.

It's almost 2 weeks since the eggs were laid, and there's about 10 little fry left.

They're in a 50L planted tank with their parents.

I've been giving them some liquifry stuff but is that the correct thing to do?

Or should there be enough fragments from the parent's food to feed them?

Also, would it be safe to do a water change or would it aggravate the parent fish too much? The ammonia and nitrite levels seem okay so far (both nil)

Thanks in advance,


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I would do partial water changes, always good for frys growth :D Just make sure you don't suck any up, little Dwarf babes are hard to see at first that is for sure :D :lol:

I am using Sera very fine baby food for my newly born cockatoos... they love it... they are just free swimming and already noshing down...

Starting them on brineshrimp in the next day or two :D

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Sounds good im using nova baby #1 for my cockatoo babies at the moment, remember not to overfeed them they are tiny and don't eat stuff all when newly free swimming :)

Agreed gradual water changes need to be made however make sure you do them slowly and try to make temp etc a bit more than with adults as the babies can be sensitive..

Good luck and get some photo's up when you can :)

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Try a little bit of bolied egg yolk squeezed between your fingers. Just a little bit! I have had a successful breed with keyholes using the yolk and brine shrimp and am now looking after 2-3 week old blue acaras with the yolk aswell. They love it as it's just a perfect size for their wee mouths.

Once they get a little larger, try doing the same thing with some cooked roast chicken. I use the soft stuff from near the bone and rinse it with hot water before rolling it between my fingers, same as the egg. They go nuts and it gives them another type of variety. (The adults enjoy picking at a little chicken still attached to the bone - rinsed, of course.)

Go boil an egg now and see how that goes. Let me know how you get on..... :wink:

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Thanks guys :D

I'll try the boiled egg and see how that goes.

They're so tiny compared with the size of the tank - how do you make sure they actually get to the food?

Also, do people usually leave the fry in with the parents?



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I have left the fry in with the parents, cockatoos... yet other cichlids I have chosen to take the eggs away from and raise them myself, generally due to the fact that one or both of the parents aren't overly showing good signs of parenting... If your pair are showing really good signs, then leave them and see how they go, it is a trial and error thing :D Some fish can take a couple of spawns before they realise what good parenting is all about :) Even tho the babies are tiny they will still be feeding, you will see them scoot along pecking lightly at substrate and tiny particles we can't see floating by 8)

Good Luck and keep us posted :D

PS Just go easy on the egg amount, it can be very very messy and spoils the water pretty quick.

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For the first umpteen times, I either removed the fry or the adults from the tank.... with not success. When leaving the keyholes with the babies and removing all other fish, the breed level was (I think) 100p/c.

The keyholes were amazingly looked after by the parents. 6 of them are still in the tank (I managed to get rid of 100 or so - luckily!) but the adults are breeding again so all hell is letting loose..... Make sure you only have enough babies that you need or can pass on :-? (I learnt the hard way!)

I have been shining a torch on the acaras (as there is no light in the 28L tank where I put them..) and watch for a few minutes. As the egg is so light comparitively, you can see the babies either spit or swallow. As they had only had sinking algae tablets before coming here, they were a little dubious at first but it didn't take long before eating.

Tell me, are you boiling an egg? I thouroughly encourage the use! In fact, all of my larger fish LOVE the stuff but of course, it isn't mooshed up so fine.

Do it! Save the fish! (Oh, and do the small water changes too!) :bounce:

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Thanks for the tips guys :D

I tried some boiled egg last night but couldn't tell if they ate any.

They seem to be getting bigger so I guess they're finding something to eat.

The parents are really good. I actually shifted the parents and the rock with eggs on it from my big community tank to a smaller tank and they still guarded the eggs and are great with the fry.

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