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We run two Aquis 2400's on our big 8fter, they crank... we have never in the whole time of running them had the water flow reduce on them due to clog... they get cleaned every three months, and they do an outstanding job on the tank... and the tubing on them is horse choker size, never had a clog there ever either 8) After keeping and having many African tanks, well stocked Malawi to smaller Tang tanks... canisters have been excellent in our experience of keeping africans.

I like the idea of a sump, however, we never went there because we have a 4 year old boy who even tho he doesn't touch fish related stuff as he knows it is out of bounds, we just wouldn't risk the whole easy access thing. Yes they are great, but there is no reason why a nice big filter or two if by choice, get passed by as an option.

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I like the idea of a sump, however, we never went there because we have a 4 year old boy who even tho he doesn't touch fish related stuff as he knows it is out of bounds, we just wouldn't risk the whole easy access thing.

That would only be a concern with an open stand (as you guys have) and could be easily worked around. I've found my two smaller canister filters clog up and reducing flow, but I wasn't sure if the bigger ones do it.

I will admit that my experience with canister filters is minimal, although from the experiences I have had I intend to keep it that way. ;)

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You're possibly looking at a sump for a reef/sw tank, which would be a bit more complicated than a fw one. They're actually pretty simple, find someone with one set up on a fw tank and have a look at how it works. The initial set up is a bit more involved than a canister filter, but once set up they're a lot easier to clean.

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Cannisters are easy to clean as well without getting any water spill at all. Just unplug, turn off taps, take it outside, then lift each tray out and just clean things that need cleaning.

I'm inclined to use a sump on my next big tank (giant gourami) but I'm someone who enjoys fiddling around with things, and being creative.

Definatley look in to a sump and see if it appeals, but if you're more inclined to a cannister filter don't be discouraged, they work great. Don't make your project less fun for yourself if you don't think you'd enjoy the sump creation process.

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