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filter and tank


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Yeah you could run 2 x 104's on your tank if you like.. I was just saying that personally I would have run something a bit bigger, but if you are able to get another 104 or something bigger again, then that would be cool. It all comes down to preference but IMO the more filtration the better :D

What sort of fish are you keeping?

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Fishoe, your two fluvals will be fine for a start. Looking at your other thread (where you are looking for fish to keep in the tank) you are likely to be starting with a small school of some kind of hardy fish. As long as you start cautiously and stock the tank slowly, you will be fine to start off with the fluvals - then later you can consider upgrading if you need to.

Setting up a tank can be quite expensive at first, so I would suggest sticking with what you have and using your money to buy other gear if needed.

Have fun setting up your tank - it makes me jealous when I see someone starting from scratch... the possibilities are endless! :D

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I normally aim for a filter that will filter 3 to 4 times the size of the tank per hour. For a tank your size 480-640 L/hr would be a good start.

In saying that I use a fluval 304 on my 160L tank and wouldn't go any smaller than that (1000L/hr).

Might be just me but I find the fluvals a little underpowered once they take a load on.

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