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Everything posted by fishoe

  1. Why is my tank starting to grow a green hairy slime on every thing
  2. the male is red and female is light blue fin type ?
  3. how long will it take my fry to grow there about 1 week old now so small
  4. they have hatched got lots of free swiming fighters 8)
  5. ok he has breed again with my other female looks like 100+ eggs in the nest he is cleaning them and guarding them i cant wait till they hatch 8) 8) :bounce: :bounce:
  6. i cant see any eggs today i think he has eaten them all
  7. hey its clint from aucks breeding fighters 3 tanks 160l 40l 30l and lots of jars 8)
  8. what do i do now, what do i feed them ,do i leave them in the same tank,looks like about 100+ eggs ,
  9. yeah my fighter has layed her eggs and ive put her back into the main tank ive left the male in the small tank to clean the eggs 8)
  10. i just checked and it wipes off the plants is there anything i can do to get rid of it
  11. ok how do i get rid of it
  12. why are my plants starting to turn brown on the edges and the glass is getting little brown spots on the glass :-?
  13. can someone please anwser me
  14. ok he made a small nest last night by the heater but it all gone now that a swaped the female over what do i do now wait and try again do i leave them togetter help me
  15. yeah she is blue but my other one was red now its gone pale lost its colour
  16. my female that i want to breed dont have stripes does she have to have the stripes on her ive got a sponge filter water at 28c 30l tank
  17. ok ill move one female back to main tank ive gota jam lid in there no plants or gravel :bounce: do i need plants as well :-?
  18. any help would be great my male won't build a nest they been in there tank for 1 day females are in their own containers in the tank male flares up at them and they turn round is this normal when should i let them into the tank with the male feeding blood worm flake brine shrimp daphnia the females are fat as :-?
  19. not sure what they are but here is a pic
  20. why are my plants getting wrinkly end curling on the ends of them look like they are getting shrink wraped :-? lights are on 12hrs day i use flourish iron and excell and a co2 defuser any help would be appericated cheers fishoe
  21. ok i done a 50% water change see how that goes. alot clearer than before 8) 8)
  22. tried api accuclear my tank is still cloudy also put in some filter wool still no good what do i do now
  23. fishoe


    this is the best i could get hes hiding now ill try moro
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