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Anyone want a puppy?


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Free to good home. Was brought in to be PTS today, but am trying to find a home so that doesn't happen. Cute pup, looks to be german shep cross, male, about 5 months old at best guess, very friendly and boisterous




Just thought I'd ask, on the offchance someone wants a new family member...

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Thanks for the well wishes.

Have already got someone offering to foster him and find him a home, so have them to fall back on if I don't find a home myself :D

And yeah, hes a bit thin and quite wormy. Have wormed him already. Bout to give him a bath :wink:

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Good luck finding him a home we have 2 already and one of the neighbours dogs thinks it lives here and keeps digging into the section to hang out with our dogs so cant have anymore.. We only have 2 because we took one to nurse back to health and rehome and he didn't ever leave so don't want to go back down that track..

Anyway good luck again and good on you for doing the right thing :)

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I would probably have been able to convince my parents to get him if he was in Auckland.. he looks exactly like our old dog..

We flew a pup down to Wanganui to his new owners. It was really cheap, about $75 if I remember rightly.

Or there is a pet courier who drives the country dropping off and picking up rehomers. Just a thought

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Was brought in to be PTS

I'm guessing that means put to sleep :( Brought in where? Do you work in a vet's or SPCA??

He is so cute, please keep us updated and good luck finding him a home...makes me smile to see someone who cares :bow::bow:


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Yes it does mean that :( But we've saved him from that :D I am currently doing some work experience at a vet clinic, and he came in there. The nurses thought he was too nice to be put down :wink:

Hes currently with a new foster mummy who is advertising for a home for him 8)

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We flew a pup down to Wanganui to his new owners. It was really cheap, about $75 if I remember rightly.

Or there is a pet courier who drives the country dropping off and picking up rehomers. Just a thought

problem is though i cant convince them from a photo, i need them to get

up close and personal to him, to feel their heart wrenching as they see the poor little guy whimper as they walk away... as he scrambles to run toward them but because hes chained up he cant manage to get leverage.

stuff like that

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