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I just had a bit of a stressful experience. I just put 5 glowlight tetras in my 200 l tank and when I got them acclimated to the water I released them my 4 lampeye tetras went crazy and carnage started to break out. The lampeyes started attacking and going nuts. I turned off the bubbler and put a blanket over the tank to help calm them down. I have no other tank to move the glowlights too as I only have one other tank that is not an option. Any advice. Maybe there is nothing that can be done.

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Turn the tank light off... and keep a close eye, and if that fails then...

Hmmm maybe you could net your 4 lampeyes out and keep them out for a wee while and reintroduce, works well for rather a few cichlid species... possibly it could work for your tetras?

Does giving them a wee bit of food take their mind off things...

Just try and persevere.. hopefully they settle down.

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If that doesn't work take them out put them in a bag or container and tomorrow go back to lfs and tell them what happened and ask if you can take them back.

Thats a bit drastic maybe wait a week and see if they cool down or if they get really agro take them back then.

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This has been really helpful. I will uncover the tank tomorrow to see what has happened. Any other advice would be great. There is some plants in this tank and there are lots of hiding places in ornaments. I think they should be able to find a hiding place. It was not a fun thing to watch

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One day I had to put some guppies in my little tank with some golden tiger barbs, which at first I thought they were quite timid, boy was I wrong, they are timid but only compared to normal tiger barbs !

Anyway the barbs started chasing all the guppies, and I thought my guppies were all gonna die, I dropped some food in the tank, the barbs quickly ate them and all calmed down. I guess maybe they were hungry or something.

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Well this will probably sound mean but when I introduced my gourami into the tank with my rainbow shark the rainbow shark decided it was open season on the gourami... literally at it the whole time totally stressing it.

i had a breeding tank thing that hangs on the inside of the tank, so i put my shark in there for a day, when i released him back into the tank he was calm as, never had any more problems with him.

not sure if it was the right thing to do or not but it worked a charm

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Well this will probably sound mean but when I introduced my gourami into the tank with my rainbow shark the rainbow shark decided it was open season on the gourami... literally at it the whole time totally stressing it.

i had a breeding tank thing that hangs on the inside of the tank, so i put my shark in there for a day, when i released him back into the tank he was calm as, never had any more problems with him.

not sure if it was the right thing to do or not but it worked a charm

I think this probably has the same effect as some of the other suggestions - basically do something to upset the routine, change the dominance pattern and reduce territorial behaviour. Rearranging the tank decor can often help with territorial fish - they all have to re-establish their territory at the same time as the new guys, so everyone is on more of an even footing (if "footing" is the right word to use with fish).

So maybe some combination - leave the tank lights off, add some extra plants or decor (or rearrange what's already there) make sure everyone gets fed so it's not a hunger issue, and watch carefully to see what happens.

As a last resort, keep a net and bags handy in case you have to return the fish.

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It worked after turning off the light feeding the fish and letting them fight it out I only had one dead fish one of the glowlights. The other five look like they have no problems and no injuries. The lampeyes are no longer interested in bothering them and only want to bother each other. Thanks so much for the help. I think things are going to be okay!

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