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I am sure that some of you have kept/keep a red tail shark. I have read everywhere and read on other forums how ill-tempered they are. mine is far from a little terror and just spends all day nibbling algae off the caves.

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Sounds (excuse the pun) good, but will it work... Must try that sometime :):)

Many years ago I had a tank with quite a few Red Tail Black Sharks in. Pretty big fellas they were, and I always had visions of breeding them.

One interesting fact I noticed was that if ever I was cleaning out and stirred the muck up, the RTS's would start to shimmer and shake like a spawning act. It certainly wasn't stress, as they would occasionally race around the tank, return to their favorite spot, then re-enact the, "what I can only describe as" their courtship dance.

Similar things used to happen with my big Plecostomus's, and occasionally my Clown Loaches.

Could it be that they spawn during the rainy season when the rivers begin to flood and stir up all the sediment?

Who knows, but the person that could spawn them naturally is obviously onto a winner.

Bill. :)

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