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Anyone see the sunday star times goldfish article?

Nana Luke

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'Support is growing among goldfish experts to ban the bowls, which for decades have housed millions of Kiwi pets.

Fish expert David Cooper says the issue is "fairly hot in the aquatic industry".

Some say bowls are OK for goldfish, while others argue they are too small. And while the urban legend says swimming round and round in bowls makes goldfish bored and unhappy, the experts say the real issue is water quality. Keeping the water in small bowls clean and healthy is difficult. The lower volume of water and the small surface area makes it difficult to oxygenate the water in the bowls and keep it free from pollutants caused by uneaten food and fish faeces...'

Sunday StarTimes, June 15 2008, Section A3

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I just bought a couple 5L glass bottles I'm going to put goldfish in. They have very narrow mouths though so I'll have to hammer them through with a mallet.

Tut tut, Ira.

You could get the Mutt to chew them up a bit instead of using the mallet...

I am trying to convince my daughter to do a science fair project on not cleaning your goldfish tank out by tipping everything out and scrubbing it, then putting the fish and new water back in.

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Ira wrote:

I just bought a couple 5L glass bottles I'm going to put goldfish in. They have very narrow mouths though so I'll have to hammer them through with a mallet.

Oh, Ira! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


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