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wetas good for food?


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Should be fine, but be aware that your Oscars might refuse to eat anything else if they really like them.

We are talking about Oscars here... :lol: :lol: I have yet to meet an Oscar that refuses any form of tucker.... (unless it's unwell) :lol: :lol:

I have fed live food to our Oscars off and on, and they have resumed eating as normal... pellet foods etc...

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I'm not sure how much nutritional value they'll have, plus they have some pretty sharp bits. Maybe order some crickets if you want to feed your oscars insects and leave the native (endangered?) ones alone...

Animates has cricket cultures for sale now.

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Actually I was thinking about the Weta thing... before I posted earlier and thought maybe some locusts or crickets as David mentioned, would be better... I don't think I could go as far as feeding Weta as such to any of our fish, they are beautiful creatures. I have only ever seen one Weta in our area before.. something smaller and less spiney as David mentioned would be a better alternative.

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They will probably eat them, but why are you so keen to feed them? If you want to vary/improve the fishes diet then get some crickets and gutload them with vitamins.

If you're more into bloodsports more to the philippines and take up cock fighting. :lol:

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as far as I know it would in fact be illegal to feed the wetas to any fish. To my knowledge they are pretected and killing one may open you up to a $200 fine :o

So, If I am correct, it would be better to let the little beasties go,

By the way, any one know where I can find water hyacinth?? :lol: :bounce:

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I agree that the little critters should be released, go crickets or locusts.. 8) We should be taking care of our Weta... no feeding them to our non native fish :lol:

By the way, any one know where I can find water hyacinth?? :lol: :bounce:

:lol: :lol: As far as I am aware water hyacinth is a swear word on this site :lol: :lol:

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