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Fry tank with holes?


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Well I accidently put all my angel fry into a death trap 2day :(

Came home this morning to find that there were only around 30fry left so decided to put them in a fry tank...this fry tank could only fit in my community tank so I put it there thinking it would be ok...moved the fry into their new home and came back after half an hour to find that they had all gone...then to my horror i watched the last one squirm out of a tiny hole and into the mouth of a vey hungry albino somethink (got given it and have no idea what it is)

So yeah that kinda sucked :(

So now I have swapped my angels setup round and put them in a bare bottemed tank that is shorter so I can access it easier...So hopefully they will breed again shortly.


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lol yeah...note to self...inspect tank accessories properly before use!

Angels are already cleaning the glass surface so hopefully more eggs will be layed soon! Oh and what other fish can go with angels? As I wanna set up the 3rd tank but if the angels lay eggs then I would like to remove them and put them in the 3rd tank also...

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Congratulations on the new wrigglers :)

I've got 4 pairs of angels in a 200L community, with platy, danios, dwarf cichlids, golden bristlenose, kribensis etc, all get a long fine but eggs must be removed the day they are laid just before the lights go out or they'll get eaten.

Missed out last night, got home after the timer had switched the light off, went in and turned the lights back on to find one pair trying to protect all of 8 eggs :oops: so missed out on that batch, shouldn't be long until I get a new batch.

Careful when growing them out as well, mine were the size of a 50 cent piece and started attacking each other like crazy, had to put them in the 200L community with the others (and they're doing fine now).

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Haha yeah well thanks to fellow forum members I am able to set up an extra tank for the fry which is great! And it turned out that the lfs has polystyrene for tanks for free which was awesome too!

anyway better get back to my gravel cleaning lol...

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