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Fish Compatability


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Hey there,

For the past year I have had a little 34LTank and have just been given a new tank that is 186Litres.

I have

6 Kuhli Laoches

1 Brown Bristlenose Pleco

1 Golden bristlenose pleco

1 Male Siamesee fighting fish

4 Phantom Tetras

These will go into my new larger tank but was wondering what other fish would be compatible preferably some different funky ones.

I am really keen on getting a Black Ghost Knife or a couple Dwarfe Gouramis.

Any help and advice, personal experiences would be great help.

Thanks so much

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1 Brown Bristlenose Pleco

1 Golden bristlenose pleco


Just want to let you know That if these fish are opposite Gender they can crossbreed and this is not a good thing.

Dwarf gouramis would be good in this setup,

but the Black ghost knife will only be good when small because they will eat small fish.

Other fish like Rams,Small tetras, danios, corys would be great in this setup aswell.

Would be cool to see some pics.

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Lol i have no idea what sex the bristlenoses are. My brown one is getting really big and little "blinky" the golden one is still only a wee 3cm.

With Ghost knives how fast do they grow?

.... I have also adopted a female fighter from my dads tank as for some reason shes been in there for about 6months with no problems but she must have annoyed one of his fish and has been attacked. So shes in a recovery tank now and hopefully once better settles nicely into her new home.

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Just want to let you know That if these fish are opposite Gender they can crossbreed and this is not a good thing.

Lol not a good thing? how come? I've never really thought about that.

Will get pics up once its all set up. I am just cycling it at the moment. Its so exciting :)

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Lol not a good thing? how come? I've never really thought about that.

Will get pics up once its all set up. I am just cycling it at the moment. Its so exciting :)

Because it 2 different species, not just diferent colours, it like breeding a Orangatan to a Gorilla(even if its not possible) it produce hybrids, and thats not good for the hobby

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oh ok point proven . :)

lets hope they dont breed then.

Another Question. I am really keen on those styrofoam rock backings in the pet store but there are none that fit my tank is their anyway of making your own one. with special products and paint or not really?

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Because it 2 different species, not just diferent colours, it like breeding a Orangatan to a Gorilla(even if its not possible) it produce hybrids, and thats not good for the hobby

Its only not good for the hobby if you pass them on to other people and/or sell them.

The knife fish is a definite no no with the fish you have. You can research species you like here.

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Hey RochelleMay,

I have a 4 foot com tank, and I have a variety of fish, and included are BumbleBee Gobies (because OMG they are so cute! :bounce: ) and they do just fine. Just make sure you don't have other fish with mouths large enough to house a BBG - they are pretty small!

I also have a 60 litre with my male Siamese fighter and half a dozen Sparkling Gouramis - I got these because they have really neat jewel like colours, and although I liked Gouramis, I didn't want really big ones, so these are a good compromise because they don't get to be very large at all.

I suppose it depends on what you like - I liked the Knife fish too, until I researched it and figured I really couldn't house it properly and it just wasn't worth sacrificing all my other fish for it's dinner! :lol:

I prefer small fish, but that's just me! :D

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I have Bumble Bee Gobies in both my fresh water tank and in my brackish tank. I have to say that the ones in the freshwater tank seem to be doing better - I got all bar one at the same time and split them in to two groups to see what worked best for them, but my feeling is that the Bumbles I purchased were born and raised in freshwater, and that's why they seem to be doing better, i.e. faster growth, more active, putting on weight etc.

IMO it's personal preference.

It works for me! :D

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