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Egg Filled Female?


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Hey all!

I recently purchased some beautiful female fighters to put in my community tank with my lonely girl I had.

After watching them, they are a little shy, but I believe a few of them may be full of eggs.

Can you leave them in that state, or should I try and breed them with the male I have in my other tank?

I do have a spare tank although I don't have a filter, and I'm sure if I was successful with the fry I could do the long term raising if I purchased another spare tank.

Is it a good idea, or should i just leave them alone?

Will it harm them or make them uncomfortable being egg bound?

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It won't hurt them to be full of eggs they will probably drop them all once their to full (thas what mine do). If you wnat tro breed them (I would they're so cool to breed) just breed them in your spare tank with a sponge filter. What female fighters did you get and what male do you have?

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I have a red long finned male with flecks of blue through him - we named him Clifford!

My girls are all looking the same, although they are all different; I have Inky and Pinky, two pink females, one with red and white fins and one with more red in the fins; the other four are the blue/red variety, all in differing shades of redness or blueness, but they all seem a little stressed or frightened as they have the horizontal bars at the moment.

What colour would the babies be if I cross Inky and Pinky with my red male? They're the ones that seem to be egg filled.

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I think they'd be red (as this is a dominent genes colour )with flecks of blue (another dominent genes colour but not as much as red) and maybe flecks of pink. But with all lfs (I'm gathering you got them fro your lfs?) you don't know what their parents were so you can't be 100% sure. Could you post some pics of you pink females as they sound really cool .

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Ok, Here goes....



The one with more red is Pinky.

I got them from a breeder on Auckland via the forum. Every time I went to get one in the LFS they couldn't guarantee that they were female as they were a lot of short finned males around. I even saw a gorgeous white one, but the thought it was a male so I didn't get it. I wish I had now!

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Very nice.

They're both cambodian however, so that'll be the dominant gene IME.

Do you have pics of the male too? :lol:

Oh, and cambodian's are near impossible to see bars on their body like other fighters. So without sounding too mean :oops:... you're probably just seeing things lol.

You should be able to tell if they're stressed from their behavior.

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Nice :hail::bow::hail::bow::hail::bow: . They look like they're CT (or atleast have CT in them) so you should get some crowning on the babies. So so far if you breed them you get a cambodian red combtail with pinky purply colours in them :lol:

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Sorry guys, should have explained a little better...

Credit for the pics posted must go to the breeder - they are the pics emailed to me to choose which ones I wanted to buy. So no, my pink girls aren't showing any bars/lines, BUT, my blue and red girls are, although I can't get a good enough pic on my camera! :-?

Here are some pics of Clifford.....apologies for the quality: he wouldn't stay still and packed a tantrum because i was putting something near his space!



They don't really show the flecks in him very well, but you can get an idea of how he looks from the pics.

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Beautiful fishies, love the colors :bow::bow:

I know that 2 males fighters can't be kept together but obviously you can keep more than one female or is it just till they mature???

You said they thought the white one might have been a short finned male, but will the fins grow? I guess I'm asking...do all male fighters have the long fins?


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Hi Caper!

No, not all males figthers have long fins.

I had been trying to buy a companaion for my lonely female for a few months now, and everytime I went in to the LFS they had heaps of fighters, but they were all short finned males, and had to be separated out in to a number of tanks. I even saw a really cool white one! So you do have to be careful when you purchase the fish to make sure you know exactly what you're getting.

From what I have read of females, you can keep small groups of them which is what I have now, but they tend to have a bit of a pecking order. Mine are going through that now, and few little bits of fins have been chomped, but nothing major. I think when you raise them together from fry stage, all the females are ok, you just have to remove the males once they start to show signs of aggression.

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