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Jewel cichlid


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The eggs and therefore aggression wont last long I wouldn't worry about it..

And blue rams shouldn't eat anything but a new born guppy, I had a pair in with my guppies to keep the population down and they didn't cracked me up..

Are you doing daily water changes in a BB tank to get the discus to grow without stunting?

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im doing daily water changes in a heavily planted tank - will that stunt them? (am new to discus)

Im not a discus person but I dont see any reason why water changes would stunt a fish. If any thing they would help it grow.

But dont listen to me im not a expert. :lol:

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Im not a discus person but I dont see any reason why water changes would stunt a fish. If any thing they would help it grow.

But dont listen to me im not a expert. :lol:

Water changes dont stunt the fish, lack of water changes can stunt them.

The reason bb tanks are recommended for raising discus is that they are easier to keep clean. I raised my discus in a heavily planted tank without probs except the plants didnt really like it much.

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