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Moscow guppies


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Hi All

I hope this is the best forum 2 put this thread in.

I’m after some really nice top quality pure strain moscow’s.

Do we have really nice ones in NZ and who’s the most reliable breeders to buy off.

I know there’s dodgy sellers out there (sad 2 say, but true) and basically I want to purchase really nice ones that are actually a pure strain.

I would love to get my hands on some so I can take some pride in them and carry on the line knowing that I will have success and a number of beautiful guppies at the end.

Please PM me if you can help me out. I would also love 2 c pics of whats out there, NZ of course though.


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Moscows are not widely available in NZ, those who have them usually keep them and sell them only to people they know will be able to keep the strain and understand guppy genetics and breeding.

I have been hit by some dodgy sellers stating they have a Moscow and me being trusting buys them without inspecting them first.

Always ask for a picture, or ask around if the person selling is of good reputation, I only found out that the persons who sold me the fake moscows had a bad reputation and kept changing his name on forums to con people.

Also ask yourself, why is that person selling their Moscows????

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ok sweet as still cool fish. just thought it looked kinda like the picture on that link

and yea there blonde albinos in background :D

i have some red deltas growing up too i bought some females pregnant to some red delta males :D they just getting their red tails now

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The one called just Blue Tuxedo will be the ones without full colour coverage on top of the head the Blue Tuxedo Moscow has a fully coloured head, I said technically it is a Moscow because of most people percieve the Moscow as as single colour strain, not half blacks.

Moscows are a classification not a strain, so you can have a Full Gold Moscow, a Red Moscow, Black Moscow (which comes from the half blacks that became fully black), name any strain they can have moscows as long as they have a fully coloured head. The original Moscow was called Metalhead snakeskins, but the Moscows as we know them today are the ones with full same colour all throughout its body with emphasis on the coloured head, the full reds are actually moscows too as long as they have a fully coloured top of the head.

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An Update:

I referred the picture of my Neon Blue Tuxedo with a fully coloured platinum head to the Guppy Designer website and they said it is not considered a Moscow even if it has fully coloured head.

So what is a Moscow? I asked.

Will post the answer soon.

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According to the experts the Half Black Blue Neon with platinum head was indeed not considerd a Moscow because of what the Moscow gene actually does to the colour. The Moscow version of the HB Neon Blue is actually the Blue Moscow, without the platinum head which means the half black part of HB Neon Blue covered the whole body in one colour.

The only way to have a Moscow is to have a Moscow father and no other way.

My young Moscow male that I would refer to Guppy Designer:

Head Shot


Side view


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Hi Cesar,

It looks like a Moscow to me. Black head. Bluish silver in the upper

front of the body. Streaking/ spotting in the tail. I'll bet there are a

lot of Moscow Asian fish out there from the crosses to Moscows.

The test would be to cross to a Blue Moscow female. The Blue Moscow has

a lot of X-linked genes in its genotype to get the solid blue color.

Of course, there is also a possibility that there are other Y-linked

genes (other than the Moscow strictly Y-linked genes) that make up the

genotype that might have crossed over. You should try the test anyway.


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  • 2 years later...
Hi All

I hope this is the best forum 2 put this thread in.

I'm after some really nice top quality pure strain moscow's.

Do we have really nice ones in NZ and who's the most reliable breeders to buy off.

I know there's dodgy sellers out there (sad 2 say, but true) and basically I want to purchase really nice ones that are actually a pure strain.

I would love to get my hands on some so I can take some pride in them and carry on the line knowing that I will have success and a number of beautiful guppies at the end.

Please PM me if you can help me out. I would also love 2 c pics of whats out there, NZ of course though.


Is johhnny still active in this forum, Moscows are now available in the LFS.

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