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Breeding Normal gold rams Pictures added.


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My female is full of eggs, I am just wondering Should i take out the kuhlie loaches?

After she has laid them do I take her out as well and leave the male to look after the eggs and then the fry.

I have a sponge filter running in the tank and its about 50 litres with gravel and plants etc.

Inforsia for the first foods then will mirco worms be ok?

Thanks in advance :D

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I would remove all other fish but them, and also aim to raise a spawn asap not muck around trying different things I lost about 6 spawns trying different things and letting the parents have a go and then lost the parents wish I had a spawn as back up as they're hard to find..

Greenwater/infusoria is a great first food then onto microworms/brineshrimp and then finly crushed flake.

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I will remove kuhlies as they are both cleaning the flower pot.

I would like to let the parents try as last time I had the kuhlies in and a fighter before I even clicked about the eggs.

If I was gonna look after the eggs my self how would i do it?

air stone near the eggs , no gravel? ?

How long to that take to hatch?

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Omg she laying the eggs now its so amazing to watch. Heaps and heaps of eggs and still going but I didnt have time to get the kuhlie loaches out can I get them out when they have finished?

All my kuhlies are swimming up and down so it shouldnt be too hard to catch if I put a divider down one end where they are going up and down.

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No! it's better to take out one parent because they'll fight over the frys and trust me, they are very aggressive towards each other.


Thanks for that.

would it be best to take out the female?

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Congrtas on getting them breeding :hail::hail: . Are they still breeding?

thanks and She looks to be still laying eggs.

Its pretty amazing to watch and whats amazing with all the noise in my house with 3 kids and it being wet so they are stuck in side running around the golds dont seem to care lol spose its normal to them now lol

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You should take some pics of them breeding as it sounds really interesting.

I tried but can not get a good shot with the tank light being on and don't wanna turn it off as it might disturb them, but will try again to get a shot later on.

Think I need to buy a decent cam!

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Ok have got the Kuhlies out what a hassle lol, The golds dont seem at all upset so thats good.

Both seem to be having turns at looking after the eggs so yeah so far so good lol.

Can I still feed the parents?

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Hi I will recommend you take out the female, because in a couple of weeks she will be ready to spawn again, and she will eat the frys.

When I bread the Ram's, I did remove the female, and the male was a very good parent looking after the fry's



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Thanks for that , I removed her last nite and this morning he is not looking after the eggs very well. at 4 this morning he was going hard out fanning the eggs not now so not sure whats up with that

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