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Confused over dose rates for malachite green...


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Bought some malachite green and formalin (2 seperate bottles) ages ago, as a 'just in case' I ever needed it. Seems like I need to use some, as one of my neons and one of my cardinals each have a few white spots on them.

So will be doing a water change later on today, turning the temp up and treating the tank.

Just wanted to confirm dose rates though! My malachite green says 1 drop per litre of tank water. However, when I bought it, the lfs guy (knowledgable one) wrote 1mL per 20L on the bottle as a dose rate. Which should I use?

Been scouring over old threads and things trying to find a dose rate but couldn't, so wanted to ask

Tis a 170 litre tank, with cardinals, rummynoses, neons, rams, bristlenoses and a whiptail.

Should I try just the malachite green or both the malachite green and formalin? Just scared of them being toxic to my fish :-?

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I think the green is what is used in the white spot cure, what strength is it? I haven't used that stuff for years but im sure someone will know!

I always get rid of the whitespot by adding rock salt to the tank, I believe the salt is alot better because it is natural, doesn't harm the filter and you don't really even have to add charcoal or worry too much about getting it out, also it doesn't stain the silicon :)

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Cheers for the comments

Don't have any visible silicone anyway, so not too much of a problem :wink:

I know I need to treat every 3 days, continuing after visible spots are gone. Should I do a partial water change before each treatment, or do I just add more malachite green??

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1 drop per litre of each med.

Do a decent waterchange in three days (more frequently if there are a lot of spots) and add enough medication for the new water (if you need to replace 20 litres add another 20 drops of each med.

Keep treating for a WEEK after the last spot is gone. This is crucial.


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Just done a small water change, and turned the heater up. So will watch temp rise and add some meds later on, once the fish have settled from me poking around in there lol.

Fingers crossed spots will get less instead of increasing. At the moment, theres only 3-5 spots on the neon and cardinal. Maybe a spot or 2 on 1 or 2 of the other cardinals, its hard to tell. Still swimming around and eating, but I've noticed that one cardinal hangs at the back when I am not there (swims right out hoping for food once I am there tho haha)

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Sorry, didn't see your reply, and I am at uni now so can't answer the question, but will when I get home and can check.

Put methylene blue in on Sunday night. Tank didn't look blue at all on Monday morning though... should it??

And no, I don't have carbon in my filter

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I know the feeling. My brain died at 6pm YESTERDAY. I just can't process what others say to me today, quite embarassing. Now WORDS I can look at until they make sense....

OK, mal green is a bit photosensitive, it will lose the colour faster if your lights are on. Deosn't seem to affect its effectiveness, but someone else might be able to answer for sure.

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