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Hiya. At the risk of anthropomorphizing, what's your favorite fish for character?

I was at World of Water a week or two ago, and they have an amazing puffer fish. I can't remember the exact species, but it was like a small dog wagging everything at once when it was being hand fed meal worms. :D

Oops, just realised that's a salt water fish - stupid flu has made me stupid!

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My fav fish for character is actually not a freshwater species/family... It is marine... Pufferfish... We have a Stars and Stripes Puffer and he's hilarious, I would swear that he is human who reincarnated as a Puffer :lol:

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My favourite fish for charactor that I have is my fighters as they are really smart. I going to try and get my male and female fighters to be hand fed.

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I reckon my gourami is the coolest fish I have :D Before I moved him to a bigger tank he was pretty awesome and used to explore everything with his feelers, he even had a game where he would bang the thermometer into the glass to make a huge noise then go and hide and do it all over again... I swear he did it all the time while I was trying to sleep.

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Sorry, it's the only term I remember from school biology, so I drag it out whenever I can :D

I like my siamese algae eaters, they seem like happy fish and it's funny watching them ride the aponogetons in the current, like little fish rodeo riders.

And I like the attitude of my bolivian butterflies. One of them has a go at my bala shark (who must be ten times his size) when there's algae wafers at stake. He's lucky the bala is easy going, he kind of grudgingly moves on after a few nibbles.

I know what you mean about gouramis. My golden slides up beside other fish and checks them out with his feelers, it's kinda a sideways glance with a "How you doin?" :) Hmm, might name him Joey

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well i like my female axolotl midnight she is very aggressive when it comes to food and i can play fish for the axie with her wiggle my little finger at her nose bang she grabs my finger and holds on for dear life she also feels the vibration and follows me around the tank from time to time my guppys i love hand feeding as well they nibble at my fingers, arms and it tickles like crazy

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My fav fish for character is actually not a freshwater species/family... It is marine... Pufferfish... We have a Stars and Stripes Puffer and he's hilarious, I would swear that he is human who reincarnated as a Puffer :lol:

Yeah, I saw a puffer and suddenly found myself looking at new tanks. I had to leave the shop quickly :-)

How old is yours, they live quite a long time I understand?

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skaffen - Our stars and stripes is about 20 cm and hes only a youngster... it's amazing to watch him, he crunches through coral rock like its a biscuit :lol: :lol: I have hand fed him one or two times but get the wind up a bit with those beak type nashers :lol: :lol: He sulks, he demands food, he runs up and down the front of the tank when I am busy feeding out in the fish shed, and runs his mouth across the front of the glass, so all you see is this big flash of white beak teeth... :lol: I will take a pic later today when I get the digital camera back. He has grown since I got him, and can't wait till he looks like an oversized bath toy.. :lol: :lol:

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